
Cyunic is a celestial imp. He was instrumental in the fall of Shabol, upon whose death he was redeemed.  

Personal History

Nearly a thousand ago, Cyunic was damned to hell. He spent his time there as an imp serving in various menial roles. In his stint as a janitor, he was nearly killed by Hedao, a dragonkin from the east. Rather than being killed however, the two became close friends. Chance run-ins with Hedao and his Venatori allies led to Cyunic abandoning his post as a greeter in Anima Domus and joining in the fight against Shabol.   Travelling to the Cambion Calderas, Cyunic fought against Shabol and proved instrumental in her downfall. Upon her death, he was transformed into a celestial imp, becoming redeemed. He then went to the heavenly planes to search for his purpose.


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