
Shabol (a.k.a. the Devourer)

Shabol was a Cardinals of the Seven Hells. She was the embodiment of gluttony, threatening Khalon in the 1430s and 1440s after she was released by Lorcan I. She caused the Calamity of Tirish Myr, leading to the death of two-thirds of the Tirish dwarves.  

Pre-Elven history

Born to the daughter of a chieftain, Shabol grew up among one of the most powerful Kalari tribes. Fueled by her hunger for power, Shabol formed a deal with the demon Sorzamon who became her patron. Cunning and treacherous, Shabol quickly became the most powerful mage among the Kalari. In time, she even betrayed Sorzamon, slaying him and taking his power for herself. Among her followers, this is celebrated during the Feast of Saint Sorzamon.   Inspiring fear and dread, Shabol became an object of worship for some among the Kalari. A cult of dedicated followers formed around her, performing Human sacrifices to gain her favor. Overtime, both she and her cult grew in power, threatening to consume all of the Kalari on Tirish Myr⁣.   Kalari not under her sway united together to fight against her and her followers. Shabol defeated them again and again until they launched a final suicidal attack on her temple. Using cold wrought iron chains, they managed to contain Shabol and lock her into a sarcophagus deep within her temple. A warning was carved above the temple entrance while the door was sealed magically. Finally, the Kalari buried the entrance so that the temple would remain hidden for all time.  

Post-Elven Era

In the 1430s, Tirish Myrian dwarves were excavating near Shabol's temple and found the entrance. The Lead Archivist of Tirish Myr⁣, Granhilda Cragfall, took an etching of the runes carved above the entrance and created a map before returning to the mountain. Along the way back, the map and etching were stolen by forces working for the Cult of Shabol⁣.   The Cult was successful in convincing Duke Lorcan of Coltherstone into leading an expedition to open the tomb, releasing Shabol back into the Material Plane. She quickly regained her power, using the Ilyrian army in Myrefall to conquer Tirish Myr, leading to the Calamity.  


In 1445, the Venatori met in Myrefall to stop a summoning ritual which would unleash Shabol on the material plane. A pitched battle took place in the ruins of Tirish Myr, allowing a small team of Venatori and their allies to sneak into the Seven Hells. There, the infiltrators chartered a ship from the Dilvomar to Drikemad, attempting to find allies among the demons there. Meeting with Elgrimeth, the Venatori made a deal: in exchange for invisibility and safe passage to the corpse of Sorzamon, Elgrimeth could reclaim lost land for the Swamps of Sangron.   Once they reached the corpse, a battle broke out between the Cult of Shabol led by Nebir and the Venatori. The Cult had gathered there to sacrifice hundreds of innocents to open a portal to the material world. The Venatori won the battle, but not before falling into Sorzamon’s maw. There, the Venatori fought Shabol herself, slaying her. Thorgrim the Wise drew on the power of his ancestors, who aided him in landing the killing blow. Upon her death, the power of gluttony was placed on her throne for any to take. The Venatori and their allies refused however, and Thorgrim destroyed it.   Shabol’s death marks the end of the Cardinal of Gluttony, leaving a power vacuum among the remaining cardinals.

Divine Domains

Hatred, Suffering, Torment

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Shabol desires to achieve godhood, which she just barely failed to achieve two millennia ago.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bringer of Darkness
Queen of Horror
Mistress of Misery
926 PE 1445 EE 2371 years old
Place of Death
Ruled Locations
Shabol's true form


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