
The Dilvomar are a race of renimated corpses found throughout the Seven Hells. Prolific traders, Dilvomar are typically allowed to pass unmolested by the various sentient denizens native to the fiendish plane. Unable or perhaps unwilling to speak, the Dilvomar communicate through hand signals with each other and outsiders.


Major language groups and dialects

Being unable to speak, the Dilvomar resort to using hand signals and sign language to speak to one another.

Common Dress code

Dilvomar typically wrap themselves in white cloth, obscuring their desiccated bodies. Attached to their bodies are cylinders of viridian elixir which allow them to remain animated.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Reanimated corpses, dilvomar are do not reproduce naturally. Rather, their creation process is largely shrouded from outsiders. When a group of dilvomar decide to expand their number, they will acquire a corpse whose soul was stripped from it. These usually come from unfortunate mortals who became trapped in, and subsequently died in, the Seven Hells. The dilvomar then inject the corpse with large amounts of viridian elixir. Typically, an amount that would keep a singular dilvomar alive for a decade is needed to bring life to the dead.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Upon the death of a dilvomar, its remains are unwrapped, and its corpse is ground up using pestle and mortar. Dilvomar closed to the deceased will then mix the corpse powder into their elixir. The dilvomar view this as giving the deceased a way to live on through them. Occasionally, bodies cannot be recovered if lost due to lava or the like. These occasions are considered to be deeply tragic, as the dilvomar view the deceased as truly dead. They believe in no afterlife, dilvomar will not come back, whether in the Seven Hells or another plane.

Major organizations

Dilvomar are organized into various guilds that operate throughout the Seven Hells. Ranging from a few dozen to hundreds, these guilds remain neutral in disputes between factions.
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