Seven Hells

The Seven Hells, known to its inhabitants as Paradise, is a plane primarily inhabited by fiends. Borders among the various factions in the Seven Hells are fluid, with endless fighting shifting who controls what on a regular basis. Located close to the Material Plane, transportation between the Seven Hells and Khalon is not unheard of, with a variety of fiends appearing since the end of the Great Revolt.   The Seven Hells exist on a separate plane from Khalon. The most powerful rulers of this plane are the seven cardinals, each representing a sinful vice. Alliances between the various cardinals are typically fleeting, with backstabbing and betrayal being nearly ubiquitous. At times, a truly powerful fiend may rise up and unite the seven cardinals, posing a grave threat to the material plane.
Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane
Ruling/Owning Rank
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