Feast of Saint Sorzamon

The Feast of Saint Sorzamon is celebrated by the fiends and followers of Shabol. Originating in Valgumas, the feast commemorates the accession of Shabol as the Cardinal of Gluttony.


Sorzamon was Shabol's predecessor among the Cardinals of the Seven Hells. Following Shabol usurping power, he was eaten alive by the fiends who formerly served him. An extremely obese demon, it took forty days and forty nights for him to be fully consumed. Since then, the day of Shabol's accession has been celebrated, with large feasts and festivities taking place in Valgumas.


The feast is marked by eating contests with a wide variety of rules. In some, fiends compete with one another to eat the most limbs in a certain period of time. In others, lowly fiends or those who have displeased Shabol are forced to eat until their insides burst, with the winner being the last fiend standing. To decorate for the occasion, entrails are hung across streets in order to give Valgumas a festive feel.
Primary Related Location
Fiendish Eating Contest


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