
Goddess of the Earth

Gwaur is often forgotten because of the many other natural gods — Taure, Alu, Yavan, and Alda — all who are much more revered in Elven society.   Gwaur had always cared more deeply for the Earth than even the Eru, who she believed to be gatekeepers of the Earth. She never practiced Eru rituals or Taure’s rituals, thinking that she could have a greater connection by spending time in the jungles themselves. She spent many years in the jungles and grew the ability to directly communicate with the ground and the insects living in the dirt. Her connection to the area below the Earth helped her create paths in the jungles and gave her insight to the complicated, intricate ecosystem.   During one of her long stays in the jungle, she came across a band of Orcish rebels who wanted to burn the Elven forest in retaliation for the elves killing their families. Gwaur tried to reason with the rebels and stop the fire, but was ultimately killed in the flames, refusing to leave her jungle behind. Taure saw her great sacrifice for the earth and his own soul and granted her godhood.   Gwaur is still known to wander the jungles and lone travelers, rebels, and invading armies often come across Gwaur thinking her to be an excommunicated elf since by choice she always looks as she did when she died — covered in dirt with burnt clothing. When meeting those who have divine intentions with the jungle she bestows Groundspeak upon them and they will have the ability to speak with the underground just as she is able to.   Followers of Gwaur reject the rituals of Taure, Alu, Yavan, and Alda without repercussion as long as they are truly devoted to her and take on Gwaur’s Promise, a lifelong commitment to live singularly in the jungle and sacrifice themselves for its safety if need be.   With her godhood came powers of protection, so enemies of the Elven jungle are always at risk when destroying jungle and Elven natural spaces. At her highest level of rage she can deflect all destruction on the jungle back onto the attackers for up to a week. Survivors have told the story of Gwaur but are often not believed because the story seems too outlandish to be true.


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