
God of Leisure & Trickery

Melacrie was made the God of Leisure after discovering how to make wine and successfully hosting a night of revelry for his Elvish community. Early on in his godhood, Melacrie abused his power by enchanting young elvish men and women and then sleeping with him, often siring half-god children who he failed to properly acknowledge—often these children excelled as winemakers, which elevated them to the upper classes of Elvish society for their prowess.   Upon learning of his overindulgent revelry, Taure and Vala revoked Melacrie’s godhood and forced him to live a life in exile from the Elvish community. Melacrie, though deprived of his divine power, used trickery to elevate his status in a foreign settlement, by claiming he could control the weather (he was adept in understanding sky patterns, as being taught by Anar). The elves in this community chose to make him their high priest.   Upon being made high priest, Vala reinstated his godhood and added that he would be the God of Trickery. Melacrie, though, is often said to be punished by Vala (at least once every hundred years) and can only have his godhood reinstated if he goes from outcast to High Priest in a community of Vala’s choosing (who often, cruelly, chooses for Melacrie to integrate into some of the most tightly-knit communities).   If an elf discovers and identifies Melacrie during one of these punishments, that elf is blessed by Vala for fifteen moon cycles and Melacrie is re-disguised and sent to a different elvish settlement to complete his punishment.
Divine Classification


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