
Orcs worship Orozlan, a powerful chimera locked away in the Otherworld. Orozlan has three heads, only one of which is awake at a time. Each head represents a different facet of life, granting boons to its worshippers. The goat represents life, worshiped by shepherds and parents. The lion represents honor and glory, worshiped by tribal leaders and warriors. The dragon signifies rage and strength, venerated by the most violent of orcs. Upon death, orcs join Orozlan in the Otherworld, resting until they are reborn to battle on.   Each head of Orozlan remains awake for 60-70 years before falling into a deep slumber. This cycle greatly influences the orcs. The current cycle is Or (Goat), wherein Orcish populations grow, preferring trade over violence. This is followed by Lan (Lion), in which the orcish tribes band together to launch large assaults on nations bordering Sivatag. The final period is Oz (Dragon), in which orcs turn against one another, fighting for territory and plunder. Orcs dream of the Great Awakening, in which Orozlan is returned to the material plane, fully awakened with all heads working together.

Divine Domains

Growth, Pride, War

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orcish oral tradition states the origins of Orozlan and the orcish tribes are closely intertwined. This is described in The Outcast and the Runt, a famous tale told among Sivatag orcs.
Divine Classification
Related Myths


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