The Outcast and the Runt

The Outcast and the Runt is an oral tradition among the orcish torz, explaining the origins of Orozlan and their way of life.


Sivatag, the perpetual desert, was once a great plain, filled with bountiful game. For an eon, orcs and centaurs roamed the plain, occasionally clashing over hunting grounds or water. This changed when the rains stopped coming. Rivers and lakes began to dry up, and many inhabitants of Sivatag were pushed to the brink of extinction.   The centaur quickly seized most of the remaining water sources, killing any orcs who attempted to take a drink. The orcs, a peaceful people at the time, were left struggling for survival. With their future endangered, a young orc named Ragash killed a centaur in order to secure water for his tribe. For this act of violence, he was expelled from his torz.   Ragash traveled the desert, living in the most inhospitable locations. As if by fate, he stumbled upon one of the last chimera dens, where a gang of centaurs had killed the mother and most of her offspring. They were tormenting the runt of litter when he happened upon them. Ragash dispatched the centaur and adopted the runt as his own. The connection between Ragash and the young chimera grew as they traversed Sivatag. Winning battle after battle against the centaur, the remnants of the orcs began to follow Ragash and his chimera, Orozlan. With time, the chimera grew to massive proportions, towering over the largest of centaur.   With Orozlan, the tide turned, and the centaur were driven to the brink. At their last stronghold around an oasis deep in a valley, the centaur made their final stand. Using foul magic, the centaur banished Orozlan to the Otherworld. With the chimera removed, the centaur were able to nearly push back the orcs, killing many. In a final desperate frenzy, Ragash charged the centaur magicians, slaying them all. Grievously wounded, Ragash died from his wounds, but not before the orcs winning a decisive victory and driving the centaur from Sivatag forever.
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