Thegh Darom

Thegh Darom is the capital of the Demarchy and is thought to be the oldest continually-inhabited dwarven city.


The population of Thegh Darom is almost entirely dwarven, with the exception of visiting diplomats and merchants.


Evidence of dwarven habitation at Thegh Darom goes back millennia, with oldest artifacts thought to be nearly four thousand years old. Based on archaeological records, Thegh Darom was a thriving metropolis until around the 22nd century BE, when the population rapidly decreased due to an unknown calamity. Only a few hundred dwarves lived in Thegh Darom for the next millennium, with much of the city falling into disuse. This changed during 1256 BE, when Holeruhm and Neltarum, the two largest dwarven cities at the time, united to form the Demarchy. Thegh Darom was chosen to function as a capital district as a middle ground between the two cities.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Thegh Daromite
Included Locations


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