In the expansive world of Khana, Artificers occupy a unique and highly respected role. They are the master crafters, the innovative creators who push the boundaries of technology, often blending it with arcane energies. Whether they are creating a complex mechanism, brewing a powerful potion, or powering a device with an arc-gem, Artificers apply their expansive knowledge, acute intellect, and unmatched creativity to breathe life into inanimate objects. They are not just inventors, but the pulse of civilization, driving its progress with every gear they turn, every concoction they brew, and every arc-powered device they create.
Artificers are particularly revered in the Ishkhana Empire, where the discovery of Arc-Gems and the rapid advancement of arc-technology has put them at the forefront of a technological revolution. However, they can be found across all societies and races, each bringing their unique perspective and cultural nuances to the craft. The Duth might be constructing robust and practical devices for everyday use, while a Rin Artificer might be developing a nature-integrated design that draws energy from the elements themselves.