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Deserath is a bodyguard who has been stationed in Numidia and granted captain to take Ardans place after his death

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Desearath was born in a small village, not uncommon for Draast, named Thayne with her mother, father, and her six other brothers and sisters. She had a constant desire to fight with the men and despised staying in the house with her three other sisters. She longed to ride off with her father and brothers and learn to track animals like they did. Her father took convincing, but eventually he began to take her along and help her to train in secret. To him, it was only about satiating her curiosity about what the men did. She would grow tired of it eventually and find her real duty in the home with her sisters. But desearath did not. She was incredibly gifted at tracking even the smallest ice hare, able to follow the steps of the Fido wolves for miles. She was strong and clever. Her father was having second thoughts But it seemed it was too late to stop her. She was like a blazing blizzard, swift and unstoppable and so so so strong. when she turned fourteen she did not cut her hair. She was gone. She was back the next day, and as the rules said, she could not graduate into womahood until the next year with the other 14 year old girls. But when she was fifteen, she snuck away to join the boys. She painted her own head, sheared her own hair, and ran off into the storm. Fighting away the other boys who cried out in anger at her gall and tried to sabotage her. But walking back towards the village, hauling back the cleanly cut and gutted carcass of an adolacent Borea bear, the largest creature in their part of Draast, she was congradulated. She was exiled Her father was helkd accountable. They followed very strict rules that had no room for empathy. Her family was charged with disobeying the rites of passage. They cut her families hair, and killed her father for his treason. But without a husband, her mother and siblings were already dead. Desearath was exiled from the village, chased away by the very boys she fought with for her brief, worthless, victory. She took the first boat she could, first to Gram, and then to Numidia, where she was drafted as a soldier for the army. It was all she could do to escape her broken honor, her broken trust.
Narrowed, bright blue, with blonde lashes
Short and straight, blond but cut very choppily.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, scarred


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