BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Thanks a ton to the Strangers Rolling Dice community for making this possible!
The known world of Khasur consists of great glaciers, snow capped mountain ranges and verdant, usually geothermically active valleys and highland plateaus. The seas that surround the great monolithic continent are turbulent and churn with towering icebergs. Past this barrier along all shores are towering shelves of ice that forbid any travel to other lands, if there are any. They occasionally break off pieces that can collide with the shoreline with catastrophic effect.   Many of the denizens of this world live under the protective insulation of the earth or deep below the ice, but some find their homes on the surface.   The seasons are different than our warm and sunny world, in that there is a universally brutal winter that comes annually and lasts a great stretch of their year.   Magic is not terribly uncommon, but the resources and energy used are often expended communally to simply keep the elements and encroaching natural world at bay. There are some places in the world where life is comfortable, but it is a life secured by powerful and organized exertion of the city states and kingdoms. In the boonies life is hard and the world off the well traveled roads and rivers is unknown and dangerous.