Brecken "The Titan of the Tides"

As the ship sank, the cold dark engulfed him, and his lungs burned whilst he sank deeper toward his watery grave. Then the voice, horrible and alien, whispered: "consume." Reborn with new purpose and power, he set out with his anchor to enact their will— whose haunting pale eyes gazed ever from the deep with unknowable intent. He is the titan of the tides, and none shall escape his iron grasp.

  A giant of a man; once dubbed the finest knight in his kingdom, he was a symbol of glory and a hero to his village. His altruism made his demise a lonely one.
  "I hear the muffled voices of the villages outside my shack. They fear what I have become upon my return from the fortress battle. I chose to become an Immortal Knight to protect them all. There are days I wish I could be purified, but... The White Priestess must not be made to carry that burden any longer."
  After some time, I hear voices again. But this time, they belong to the White Priestess and a child. The Priestess, once but a child herself, now cuts a radiant figure. I no longer know the pleasures of joy, but despite this, my cheeks widen in a grin. When madness takes me, will this little one be made to carry the burden? I don't know how long my consciousness will hold out."
  "But as long as I am myself, I will be a shield to protect them from harm. The pain I will endure in nothing compared to their suffering."
  But in his final battle, upon the Haunted Shores. A storm came like a ghost. A fierce and deathly squall. "The ship, she's down!" the warrior cried. "Protect her grace, to the Haunted Shore we go!"
  He sank beneath the tides. With water in his lungs. Many a sailor died. But he, a breather of brine. Upon the ocean floor. He was met by a specter. Met by the claws that wring.
  Now he lies with the dead, the sunken and the drowned, phantoms, wrecks, and dread.

Titan born from a curse and blessing. Titan born of the tides.

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