Lilith "The Forsaken Blade"

Born and raised in the darkened eastern wastes, with all blessings and freedom gifted to her and her sister erased. With only her sister’s embrace in that place of hostility. Then the Mist began to descend. Cries of pain rang out in the distance. Voices cried out, calling it the “Mist of Death.”
  Left with no choice, they fled seeking safety. She gave her sister sanctuary and took her weapon in hand.   But they were denied a life within the castle walls. The Mist never let up and sister torn from her by the immortal Blight.   The Blight washed over the land. Like an ever-consuming wave... Sheep and shepherds of the kingdom alike all eventually became Blighted.   She thought that she fell in battle a martyr. Not left for dead, but resurrected. Now...her body feels not quite her own. A stranger within her own flesh...   Got one arm, but she's all the stronger. With death, she cannot be bothered. From it, she has never been farther. Equipped with an effective prosthetic and slaughter, anyone who thought she was katana fodder.   Now she'll never settle for any katana, unless it is deadlier, sharper. Because her guarded posture will never falter.   She was meant to be her guardian but failed. Her protector now turned brutal killer. She sets out to find her sister having lost her.   Without with her father, cause he might be her father, but a father he's never been to them. And she's found her home without him; The home she never had before she cut ties with him.   No longer the sailor's daughter, but her own design. With her new found family by her side, she'll find her lost sister. "So Mother and Father that I've only seen in my mind, I wish you well, but I don't need your fortune in my life."

Rebel shunned by her family as a child, didn't know she was leaving for better skies.

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