Volir "The Umbral Knight"

What fate awaits a people who lost everything? The battle was lost. His homeland stripped bare. Unable to bend a knee and say his prayers. For the daughter he failed and the bodies he burned. Still the flame burns in his mind. Still the father who screamed when the sacrifice called for mercy. He made a pact on an open flame. To never speak his name again. He is the last of the undying warriors. He is the Umbral Knight.

  A black-garbed knight from beyond land's end. Though naught but a Blighted Spirit, they still retain some semblance of who they once were.
  Volir is the last of the Umbral Knights, Ancient warriors who made an undying pact. Their fate forever intertwined with the priestess they swore to guard. An undying warrior's end comes upon the death of the priestess to which they are bound. The bond of the Deathless Pact will pass on... to a new priestess... a new umbral knight.
  He is now the last umbral knight, the last of their Ancient Society, the last guardian of the priestess. He lost the priestess that he was meant to protect long ago and have been imprisoned there ever since. Then he met him, the carrier of her Ancient bloodline. His first thoughts being to break the bonds of the pact... By his own hands he would end it...
  But as they traveled together, he came to a realization. He was once supposed to protect the priestess of this land long ago. And he still meant to protect her. This little mouse, the last hope of the Ancients. So this time he would not fail, he will protect the child he came to name Esegar... He believes this will be the sole wish of the Ancients.
  "How many things I hold dear must God take away from me? I wish they hadn't died.. I wanted them to live on... and grow up... How I wish it were so... So please... don't take anymore from me."

Father torn from his child by the blight. Father born after death.

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