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Early Life

Though Aloë herself will vehemently deny it, her early life was not too different from most of her sisters, spending her time frolicking and talking with flowers. Though when she started noticing her friends no longer appearing or showing up she found out that the lifespans of pixies are incredibly variable. Aloë went to Melisande, who told her that pixies simply expire "when they are done living", and while her sisters just accepted this as a fact of life and went on playing, Aloë suddenly found it hard to get attached to others as they could simply dissapear one day and became resentful towards Melisande who, for all her power, seemed to be content to just let her daughters fade away.  

A path of her own

To keep her mind off things she turned to herbalism and especially alchemy. While not too uncommon among the longer lived pixies to gain an interest in herbalism and in rare cases even alchemy, Aloë developed what can only be described as an obsession and started secluding herself, a nigh unimaginable concept for a pixie. Over the years she started getting more and more disattached from others and the ever curious pixies, eager to pull her out of her shell began to feel like pestering children to Aloë. After one day too many of sisters knocking over her equipment and misplacing her notes she simply packed up and left the Feywild.  

Life in Blightforest

Many years passed with Aloë single mindedly pursuing her craft until she, perhaps thanks to her rebellous nature and a subconscious sense of loneliness, decided that if Melisande would not, it would be up to her to improve the lives of pixies. However she managed it is a mystery for now, but the denizens of Blightforest started to notice a shy but determined pixie with big glasses flying around carrying ingredients and notes to and from the secluded Aloë after a while.  

Before The Freedom Fighters

The relationship between the two started out somewhat strained as decades of attachment issues still plagued Aloë. While they managed to become a good team together, it wasn't until the burning down of their home by Mogorath and seeing Ella fall to the flames that Aloë realised how much she truly cared for her daughter. In her grief she managed to swallow her pride and return to her own mother. Melisande, intrigued by the return of the rebellous and stubborn Aloë and the existence of a granddaughter, decided to strike a deal with her wayward daughter. Melisande would save Ella's soul and grant Aloë some of her power and in return she would have to bring punishment to Mogorath.   Some time later, a Pixie would be seen near the gates of camp Fosfor, asking to be trained in the art of war...
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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