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Ani Blastfuse

Ani Blastfuse (a.k.a. Sure-shot Ani)

"How about y'all put your f*cking hands up!" - Ani
Ani's story begins in New Restfall. After he had "liberated" a rare relic from some undeserving scoundrels, he went to the Inn to meet a certain person who was very interested in this relic he had acquired. Here he met a mysterious man who called himself "Dustman" whom had also acquired the very same relic as Ani. Suddenly they were pulled towards each other by a unknown force. As their heads collided they were knocked out cold and woke up in the back of the Inn. Ani and Dustman were weary of each other until another individual joined them at the table. He introduced himself as Constantine Withers. A scholar from Stratos who wished to find the lost vault of General Rahd. He told them that the two relics they posses are needed in some way to find the vault. Contantine, after some needed persuasion, employed Dustman and Ani to help him find the vault. In return for this Dustman and Ani could keep all the valuables they would find in there. And thus .... was born.  
"The Cataclysm? Nah, that lacks grace & finesse. I dub you Evangeline!" - Ani naming his gun

Physical Description

Body Features

  • A mechanical arm that replaces his right arm
  • Golden scales on his extremities  

Facial Features

  • Piercing green eyes
  • Golden scales around his eyes and nose

Apparel & Accessories

Ani wears a typical Gunslinger attire made up of a leather hat, jacket and pants. He also wears a red scarf that was found with him along with a metal cigar case. Beneath his jacket he conceals at least 2 additional firearms along with a, as Ani would say "F*ck ton of ammunition.

Specialized Equipment

Ani has recently acquired a weapon like no other found in a vault hidden away in The Red Pillars.
While officially named Longard's Customizable Assault Rifle "The Cataclysm" , Ani didn't quite like the name as it lacked grace and finesse. Thus Ani dubbed this powerful rifle "Evangeline" after the very handsome barmaid that Ani quite liked.  
"Evangeline"   Ani's mechanical arm is the masterpiece of Marty Blastfuse who made it his lifework to make Ani a new arm after he lost his in accident. Marty made the arm so that it would be better in any way than the original arm that Ani had before. The arm is made of Adamantine and stores a part of Ani's body heat in a special battery located in the shoulder. It can attached itself to any firearm and use the energy stored in the battery to overcharge his guns allowing for devastating firepower. Once the energy in the battery has been expended, it takes a while to recharge itself again. Marty dubbed his masterpiece "The MMMA MK.III "

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is not known where or when Ani was exactly born. He was found as a baby by Marty Blastfuse a goblin who lives in the Scraprack. Not knowing what to do with the little dragonborn he just found he took it back home with him. With the baby he found two things, a red scarf and a metal cigar case. Marty had thought about leaving the little whelpling behind but once he looked him in the eyes he could not get it over his heart to do that. Returning to his home just outside of the Scraprack he contemplated on how he would name the little baby. After many (and luckily failed) attempts at coming up with a name for it he sighed with frustration. Then he remembered the cigar case and thought a nice cigar would be good to calm his nerves. Once he opened it something was written inside. " Property of An......." the last part faded away. He looked at the dragonborn whelpling and said:
"That's it! From now on you are called Ani!"- Marty naming Ani
Ani's childhood was "Wild" to say the least. With his adoptive father being a tinkerer and growing up in and outside the Scraprack, Ani learned to fence for himself rather quickly. Explosions and revving engines were part of his daily life. Much to Marty's delight and surprise, Ani's first word wasn't Dad or some other word that is normal for children. Ani's first word was "Boom!" as he looked at a experimental grenade that Marty was working on. From that day on the bond between father and son was forged. As soon as Ani could walk Marty began teaching him how tinkering worked (the less safe goblin way). When he was six he shot his first gun. By age eight he made his own improvised grenade. As it turned out Ani knack for handling firearms. One day however disaster struck, as Ani was working on one of his new inventions. He made, what he called, Boom Gauntlets. The idea behind them being that Ani was neither big nor strong, he could overcome any problem with something he was raised with. That being overwhelming firepower. When his prototype was complete he was ready to test them out. He proudly asked his father to come and watch his newest creation. Marty felt a sense of pride as he watched his son proudly waddle outside towards a big rock. Him being the experienced tinkerer shouted to Ani to ask if he had done al his calculations right, but before he could finish his sentence he watched how Ani punched the rock with all his might. A massive explosion incurred. When the dust settled the rock was completely obliterated by the blast. Then he saw Ani lying on the ground. To Marty's horror, Ani's right arm was blown clean off the socket. After being in a coma for a couple of week and extensive (goblin) surgery, Ani awoke. Immediatly starting to apologize to his dad, whom was overjoyed that his son had finally awoken.    In the years to come Marty made it his lifework to make a new arm for Ani. One better that his original one. This however was a long and greulling process of trial and error. After alot of failures and years of hardwork Marty had done it. The Mad Marty's Mechanical Arm or for short the "MMMA MK.3" was finished and with it Ani was whole again. His father having spend every available resource he had on the arm. Ani set out, to earn some resource to help his old man out. Over the years any has done many different jobs but there is one that stuck with him, Bounty Hunting. With this job he could combine his need for money and his love for firearms. And as it turned out, he was pretty darn good at it. Earning himself the nickname "Sure-Shot" because when Ani got you in his sights, you're a dead man walking.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Ani has a strong love for firearms and all things that come with it. He likes people who are straight forwards and mean what they say.

Personality Quirks

Ani is a heavy smoker, always has a cigar in his mouth, he also is very OCD-ish about his weapon drills.


Contacts & Relations

Any due to his personality does not make friends easily, however there are some exceptions to the rule   Dustman: While Ani and Dustman are in almost all ways polar opposites of each other, they work together incredibly well. While he would never admit it, he thinks of Dustman as the big brother he never had. Part of the reason why Ani shows no fear is because he knows that Dustman always has his back. Ani calls Dustman "Dusty"    Constantine Withers: Ani and Constantine's relation started of as a "Business" accomplice. Ani tought of him as being weird and didn't fully trust him. Over time his weirdness grew on Ani and he came to see Constantine as a friend. Ani would never show it, but Constantine's betrayel broke the young dragonborns heart.   Marty Blastfuse: Marty is Ani's adoptive father. Ani loves him and sees him as his real father.


Ani speaks with a quite distinctive accent being raised by a goblin and growing up in the frontier. It sounds like a mix of the traditional goblin way of speaking and the common accent of the frontier itself.
Current Status
Building the War Rig
Current Location
Parents (Adopting)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scales with golden eccentrics
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
"Ani & Marty"


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