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Billy-Bob Bates (a.k.a. Buddy)

Buddy is a rugged, handsome young man in his mid-20s with piercing blue eyes and short blonde hair. He will often wear a big smile on his face, exuding a friendly attitude. However, do not let his non-threatening appearance fool you, for under that sparkling white hat and goat-skinned jacket hides a formidable gun slinger.   Buddy picked up work wherever he could get it in order to scrape by. Doing so, he gathered a lot of experience, skills, and most importantly of all: stories. In the recent years, he has found ranching to be amongst his talents. Out on the plains of the whispering frontier, he found peace and quiet. Further, he had ample opportunity to work on his songs.   In the past few months, he has been a part of the Fellowshipwreckers, where he finds comradery amongst his fellow adventurers. Even so, the difficult relationship he has with Susie Allison - the prettiest woman in his hometown, Bravebanks - has him wondering whether he should return home to settle.
Neutral Good
Bright blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faintly tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
That really takes the dip out of my lip
Aligned Organization


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