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Li doit tojurs i avir deuj filles pro qu'li puisse i avir une guerre
There must always be two daughters, so that there can be one war

The Kingdom of Catur is a strange, unwelcoming place and is generally avoided by outsiders due to a very disrupting tradition called "The Queen's War". The first records of this war go back to the year 7 with queen Elisabeth I of the First Era, but it is presumed the tradition goes back even more centuries.

The two most prominent cities of Catur are Tamerlane in the north and Stanton in the south. The capital is decided by whoever wins the Queen's War. The current capital is Tamerlane, which it has been for the past 60 years. Another known point of interest is the Port of Capablanca in the north-east. If any traveler finds themselves in Catur, they will rarely venture beyond this city.

Due to a tradition of war between the two royal sides in Tamerlane and Stanton the situation in the Kingdom of Catur can be described as chaotic. Most areas outside of Tamerlane and Stanton are intrinsically self-governed and most of their inhabitants are descendants of Greys, meaning that through the course of history they are related to sons of queens. As the queens have only use for daughters, their sons, or greys, are cast out without being given a name. They either look for a purpose somewhere else in the kingdom or stay to serve in the queen's army.


The White King and Queen reside in the city of Tamerlane, in the north of Catur
The Black King and Queen reside in the city of Stanton, in the south of Catur

When not in a Queen's War, Tamerlane and Stanton have good relationships with each other.


Catur is mostly known for armor and weapons, which they have an abundance of. Occasionally it is possible for others to buy from them, unless they are anywhere close to a Queen's War

Demography and Population

The only ones who really count in Catur are the queens, their two kings and the army that fights for them. Through history the majority of the country outside of Tamerlane and Stanton became cultivated by Greys or descendants of Greys. Many inhabitants ultimately decide to join one of the queens' army, as this at least gives some purpose to life in Catur.
by Roman Gumanyuk


Both queens in Tamerlane and Stanton have a significant army of their own. The army can exist of anyone, even greys formally being rejected by queens. Once someone swears an oath to a certain queen, they are no longer grey, yet from then on they don either a black or white armor and belong to that fraction. Being a part of the queen's army asks for a lot of devotion, as one can only leave by dying in a Queen's war or from old age.


The Caturans believe in one God: Deus Magnus. He is their God of Knowledge and War, resulting in a focus on tactical warfare from the Caturans.

Foreign Relations

Due to a heavy focus on the Queen's War and the corresponding shifts in power, it is difficult for foreign rulers to keep a stable relationship with the Kingdom of Catur. Upon a change in reign some meetings are held and acquaintances made, but that is about it. Sometimes festivities are held, like the birth of a daughter, in which case foreign rulers could be invited, but rarely accept, because to them the Caturans seem completely otherworldy and then there's the problem of different languages of course.


Masses for Deus Magnus are held weekly. Personal worship occurs in every household and can take many forms.
by E. Melnikova
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Legislative Body
In general either the Queen of Tamerlane or the Queen of Stanton reigns over the Kingdom. The reign is subject to change with every Queen's War. Because of the chaotic situation in Catur many regions are unofficially self-governed.

Cover image: by Darek Zabrocki


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