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Davy Bones and the Flying Shillman

Captain Davy McGannis (a.k.a. Bones)

"My heart will always belong to you, Umberlee" - Davy "Bones" McGannis
Every sailor knows the story of Davy Bones and the Flying Shillman. A sailor who fell in love with the Goddess of the Deep, Umberlee. In their romance Umberlee gave him the sacred task to ferry the souls of those who die at sea to her realm for eternity. In return Davy agreed to set foot once every 10 years, where they would reunite with each other. But when he returned to land after 10 years she was nowhere to be found. Broken and betrayed Davy returned to the Shillman with a newborn vengeance, hunting pirates and sailors a like. Legends go that gives the last survivor of a crew a choice. Serve him and become part of his crew for 100 years or join the rest of the crew in Davy Bones's locker.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When alive, Davy was a tall broad man. Naturally strong and handsome. In death, he but a ghostly shell of his former shell.

Body Features

During his days when he was still sailing the seas alive and well, Davy has his fair chair of battle scars. But missing both a hand and leg didn't seem to impair his sailing skills in the slightest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Davy Bones wasn't always a vengefull ghost. Davy was born to the renowned McGannis family. While growing up Davy wasn't like his peers who coulnd't wait to kill their first beast or spar until the sun goes down. No, those things never interested Davy. Davy had always been intrigued by the sea.  By age 6 he could read maps and knew how a boat worked. It wasn't before long before Davy left Shill in pursuit of his one true passion. Being on the open seas. Some dare say that in his time there was no equal to Davy's sailing skills. Weathering the worst storms like it was a stroll through the woods. While mastering the seas someone took an interest in him. Umberlee, Goddess of the Deep which man dared to try and conquer her seas. She threw all her might at him, summoning the worst sea storm man has ever seen. For 3 days and 3 nights, Davy and the crew of "The Flying Shillman" battled through the storm. After those 3 days Umberlee gave up and wanted to reward the man who had conquered her.  For Davy it was love at first sight. During their romance Umberlee gave a sacred task to Davy. For him to be the ferryman of souls on sea.  Honored by such a thing, to show his love Davy agreed to set foot on land once every ten years. When those 10 years passed and Umberlee was nowhere to be found, Davy felt betrayed and broken changing his name to Davy Bones. Now Davy sails the seas of Korthia and takes vengeace upon all poor souls who dare cross his path.

Mental Trauma

Umberlee's betrayal has scarred Davy to this day. His heart once filled with love now burns with hatred. Ready to lash out at any unfortunate enough to cross his path.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

In current times there is not much that Davy does not dislike. The one thing that does not fade over the years is his love for Umberlee. Even after her betrayal he still considers her the love of his live.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Cursed to ferry the souls of those who die at sea to Umberlee
Foul Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Dead men tell no tales...." - Davy Bones
"What! You don't know of Davy Bones! Then let me tell you his story. He was supposed to be the greatest sailor of his time and fell in love with The Goddess of the Deep. Hah! I wonder how that would've worked out. Davy got his sacred task of ferrying the souls of those lost at sea to her realm. Once every ten years Davy could set foot upon land again hoping to finally reunite with his love, but she never came. When he realised she wouldn't come, betrayed and broken he returned to the Shillman. Now he hold the seas in terror destroyed each and every unfortunate soul he comes across. But this is all but superstition ofcourse! Haha! Or is it........." - Angus telling Fergus the tale of Davy and the Flying Shillman
The Father Serpent
"The Flying Shillman"


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