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Lady of the Forest

"My mother left these for you, her staff and armor" - Durah
  Being born as the daughter of the Lady of the Forest, Durah's upbringing was spent mostly alone or with animals. she learned to love the forest with each passing day. Not much is known about her father, at least her mother never talked about it. Durah is loving and kind but mostly very clumsy and awkward. She has some social skills but mostly stumbles over words.   When she came across The Freedom Fighters, the friendship grew naturally. together they have fought of many foes and (partially) saved Blight Forest from destruction. she is a regular visitor at Blight Fall Estate and likes hanging around the Freedom Fighters. She has special interest for the Half-Orc of The Freedom fighters; Steele.    When her Mother died Durah had felt a pain she had never felt before. At that moment Durah became the new Protector of the forest. She is still in search of the missing inhabitants of Blight Keep and helps the Freedom Fighters from time to time.

Personality Characteristics


Durah protects everyone around her. She would give her life for every living thing. This is a kindness rarely seen from Half-Orcs. with her new title as Lady of the Forest she will do whatever it takes to return the Forest to its balanced state and find the missing people of blight Keep.
Year of Birth
373 -121 Years old
Black Dreads
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Green


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