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"Try me... It takes 30 gold to use this here axe... and I'm a very rich man" - Dustman
  Named after the rocky dust that's constantly left behind by him, Dustman's real name is unpronouncable by most people on the material plane, and so he just goes by his nickname. Little is known about Dustman's early life, except that he was born and raised in the Plane of Earth and that he struggled to find a good girlfriend. As most Earth Genasi were too fleshy and Earth Elementals not very femininely-shaped.   Everything changed for Dustman however, when he at some point came across an ancient PlayRock Magazine in his grandfather's attic, on which he saw some pictures of rocky girls that were apparently from the Material Plane. Having found his life's purpose, Dustman somehow made his way to there, where he sadly found out the race these girls belonged to had dissapeared untold years before.   Pretty annoyed at this fact, and now stuck on the Material Plane, Dustman passed his time as a simple, honest highwayman. Robbing people of their tech and tinkering with it in his spare time, hoping to make something to either find those rocky women he searched for or a portal to make his way home again.

The Brothers in Arms

After finding an artifact and taking up a job with Ani Blastfuse and Constantine Withers to excavate the Red Pillars, the trio decided to start up their own adventuring group, called the Brothers in Arms after their great first success. A small problem arose however, when Ani got cursed, causing the crew to go to Ysala to get it removed.   Though they were already making great money in Ysala by selling their wares and dealing with the Wizzleracket-Gemsong Cartel, a certain mission for underground individuals blessed the group with vast sums of wealth in the form of highly sought after assets. Sadly, the appearance of an Elemental near Constantine's home caused him to break and try to betray the Brothers in Arms. Neither Dustman nor Ani could bring themselves to end his life however, seeing as how Constantine truly regretted his actions, and decided to let him go with all his money so he could spend some time to find himself. Though Dustman was clearly struck by this development, as even the news of a sighting of the type of woman he was looking for was not the first thing on his mind...   Now just Ani and Dustman, the Brothers in Arms liquidated some more assets through the Cartel to get some spending money, and finalized a deal to build a shop in Ysala, which the Cartel would run in their absence. After ending their business, the duo quickly made their way out of Ysala and took a ship to the Motionless Wastes, where a new adventure awaits them...

Physical Description

Dustman stands at a towering 2,21m, though his posture is hunched. Earth Genasi are rather varied in their appearance, but Dustman definitely seems to be leaning more towards the Elemental side of things, as his entire body, or at the very least skin, seems to be made of a sandy rock. To not stand out too much, Dustman is almost always covered from head to toe in dusty linen rags, with a thick leather trenchcoat over it.


While it can be hard to see what Dustman carries around with him under his many layers of clothes, what does stand out is a massive Axe with chrome exhausts on his back. And in addition to a variety of trinkets with various functions and guns, there seems to be a mechanical contraption on his chest that seems to almost breathe sand around him.


A being of no-nonsense, Dustman is straight to the point and dislikes dancing around issues. Having a preference for quick and decisive action, his favorite tactic is to take a stealthy approach and then ambush the opposition with overwhelming firepower. He cares very little about the opinions or even lives of others unless they benefit him in some way.  


Dustman talks little about people he knew on the Plane of Earth, though his loner lifestyle before joining the Brothers in Arms suggests he was never one for making friends. That said, since coming to the Material Plane there are some people who have stood out.   Ani Blastfuse - Though seemingly on opposite ends of the energy spectrum, Dustman and Ani seem to work very well together. Dustman somewhat considers him as a little brother, and is content to let Ani take the lead, as Dustman greatly enjoys the mayhem that inevitably ensues.   Constantine Withers - Starting out as an employer, Constantine's willingness to go along with Dustman and Ani, and the shared hardships the group went through turned it into a good friendship. So much so that when Constantine ultimately betrayed them, Dustman and Ani let him live in a rare act of mercy.


  • Tinkering
  • Money
  • Explosions
  • Ani
  • Girls with a rocky appearance
  • Living the good life


  • Almost everything else
  • But especially water
Light Grey Crystals
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sand-brown, Rocky
Aligned Organization


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