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Most of the records of the Dwarven origins have faded into the mists of legend, and even among Dwarven scholars, few know the truth. The saga of Dwarvenkind began in the dawn of the world, known then as the Children of Stone. Large, broad creatures made of rock, yet not truly Elemental in nature. Elves had yet to set a dainty foot outside of the fey realms when the might of their works shook the world to its bones. And yet, for reasons unknown to even them, they were subjected to an affliction which turned their very forms to flesh. Unable to stop this, they eventually turned into the Dwarves known today, with the Morgar (Mountain), Iirgar (Hill), Duergar (Deep) and Khagkar (Forgotten) clans turning into the subspecies of Dwarves.   Despite this affliction, the remaining Children of Stone, now smaller and of flesh, and known as Dwarves, remained united through the Dwarven Regalia created by the Four Great Tools, and maintained great empires across the world still.   And yet, another calamity befell them, as it did the rest of the world, when life was scoured from Korthia. The Dwarven hero Arbeid fell with their group, the Order of the White Oak, and the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, the only known remaining Dwarven regalia, was shattered in the conflict. Dwarvenkind would resurface again in time, but the amount of bloodlines that can trace their lineage back to their long forgotten ancestors number in the mere dozens, and many who claim to be related are only distantly so or liars. 


  The Dwarves of today are hardy individuals who place a great importance on family and clan. Their size depends somewhat on the subrace, but are generally between 1,25 and 1,50 m. They can see decently well in the dark, though they prefer to have sources of light on hand. Additionally, many Dwarves have a great sense of Rocky and Stony surroundings, with some individuals even able to sense the slightest tremors of the earth. All Dwarves also have a strong natural resistance against diseases and poisons, most other races attribute this to a built up resistance due to their love for alcohol, though it is more likely a result of their Child of Stone origins.   Dwarvenkind is split into three known subspecies.   - Mountain Dwarves: The tallest of Dwarves, they place great importance on craftsmanship and skill, and have a natural affinity for moving in armor.   - Hill Dwarves: The hardiest of Dwarves, Hill Dwarves are few in number, and generally adventurous spirits who rarely settle in one place.   - Deep Dwarves: The most pure-blooded of Dwarves, Deep Dwarves generally have the strongest blood connection to pre-calamity Dwarves and the Children of Stone. With even their weaker members boasting great magical resistance and the ability to grow in size.   Regardless of subspecies, Dwarves with pre-calamity blood ties are generally slightly bigger and can regenerate their wounds.
A Dwarven Prospector from the Wizzleracket-Gemsong Cartel


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