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Great Fortune

"It is at times like these, I wish I had an airship." - Simon Whistlefeather, unknowingly sowing the seed of a new Adventuring Group
  In the aftermath of the fight against Lord Nathrezim, Incorporeal Incorporated lost half their original members and decided to disband. Still needing a way to get off Jeb'Blep however, one of their members used a Wish they had gotten from the Deck of Many Things to off-handedly wish for an Airship. Nothing happened until they reached Ysala however, where a massive flying battleship was signed onto their name. Deciding to build on the name of their previous ship "The Good Fortune", it was thus named "The Great Fortune", and with that a new adventuring group was formed.  


  The Great Fortune consists of the following members:   Vryka Wizzleracket-Gemsong - A very large female Dwarf, Vryka is a Rune Knight Fighter and Master Artisan. Growing even larger as her skin turns to solid rock, Vryka stands on the front lines to keep her friends safe from harm.   Simon Whistlefeather - A slightly older male Human, Simon is a Monster Hunter Ranger. Controlling the battlefield with nature magic and striking with deadly precision.   Nilki - A female Shadar-Kai Elf, Nilki is a Shadow Monk. Serving the Raven Queen, Nilki strikes from the darkness to preserve the eternal balance.   Other notable members:   Siddas "Sid" Goldgrog - A male Dwarf, Sid is a Bard as well as a well-rounded Artisan. Convinced that Vryka is destined for greatness, he always stands ready to support her and the rest of the Great Fortune with musical inspiration and technical insight.   Pax - A male Goblin, Pax saved Vryka and Nilki from Lone Man Isle in his ship the Clawcatcher. When it got destroyed, he was offered a position as captain on The Good Fortune, and later The Great Fortune, a position he has filled admirably.  

Major Achievements:

  • Excavated the Blue Rose and fought the Tromokratis
  • Found the long-lost Khadkar Empire
  • Were successful in "The Siege of the Khadkar Empire" and have slain:
         A Narzugon          An Orthon          An Amnizu          An Erinyes
  • Defeated Archdevil Moloch
  • Casted two Wishes before level 17


  • A very strategically-placed keep in the Bellowing Wilds
  • The Good Fortune, a 2-master that can also bury through the earth with a large drill.
  • The Great Fortune, a huge flying airship.
Founding Date
Adventuring Party


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