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The Black Dread Ancalagon Dragorion (a.k.a. Grimlock)

"We though we had won... they were retreating... that was until a figure appeared on the horizon, already humongeous in size, the chilling aura he emitted was atleast one building tall! We were laughing, smiling... one man can't take us all. little did we know we stood against the Black Dread himself. With each swing of his axe we heard the screams of all those slain before. The last thing I saw before passing out was not a man... I saw a demon standing on a pile of corpses. truly terrifying... - Survivor of Grimlock
Grimlock's story begins when he meets a group of adventurers in Camp Fosfor. After Two years of travelling, questing, earning, exploring, helping and defeating evil Grimlock decided to spend his earnings and make a living for himself building the Fighting Arena. He still visits his old party from time to time, sharing stories of old and drinking ale.   A war criminal from a faraway land breaking the ties he once held, he ventured to Aurleen. In this new land, he assumed the new identity of Grimlock. Enlisting in the armies of Redmond, he found his way to Camp Fosfor where he met a party of misfits who would eventually become his life-long friends. during their travels he earned the moniker: "The Black Dread". Grimlock, together with his Greataxe Manslaughter is a sight to behold on the battlefield.
Warning!   When the Black Dread arrives, you better start running!

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Rolled a 4 on a 1d4 check on dick size

Special abilities

Can stare a Hell hound in the eye without flinching   Inherit acid dragon's breath

Apparel & Accessories

Armor of invulnerability   Belt of Storm Giant strength   Bulwark of Protection   Manslaughter

Specialized Equipment

Hand to hand combat   Intimidating battle-tactics   Slaughter

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Storm Steel, Ancalagon Dragorion second born of Erakax and Nariel, was raised in the archipelago of the Firespites. Growing up, he quickly figured out that his body was stronger than those of his kind. Always picking fights with man and beast alike. Seeking his father's approval, he was left in the shadow of his brother, Neltarion, also known as the Golden Crusader. Neltarion took more after their father while Grimlock took more after their mother. One gold and one black.  
  At the age of twelve, his thirst for the approval of his father led him to get into fights, one bigger than the other. His mother would worry as she knew there would once come a time where Ancalagon would find his match and he would be the one left bloodied and broken. One night when she tried to stop him from delivering the killing blow on a battered enemy she jumped in front in the last effort to put a stop to Ancalagon's insanity. This was however in vain, as Ancalagons weapon was mid-air and took Nariels head clean off. Where Ancalagon once had hopes and dreams, it now was replaced with only darkness. When His father found out what happened, the storm of a golden Dragonborn broke loose. His father asked why his mother bared one perfect son and one so despicable. With the little bit of mercy he had left, Erakax banished him from his family and told Ancalagon if he would ever see him again there would be no force on this earth to stop Him from destroying him.   In the years to come, Ancalagon enlisted in the armies of Surothel.   Here he would thrive and quickly became an elite soldier in the field of battle. When word reached the Elder Council about a strange artifact, uncovered in the caverns of "The Heart", Ancalagon was sent out to retrieve it. Together with a battalion of soldiers he conquered the harsh mountain terrain and ventured deep beneath the earth. What he uncovered was an ungodly axe, stuck inside the stone that looked like a body. This tool of destruction was observed by everyone. His commander said to wait until the excavation team would come. But when Ancalagon first looked at the weapon, it called to him, speaking a name he had never heard before; "Grimlock!". At first, he thought it was one of his fellow soldiers but the longer he looked at it, the stronger the attraction became. He saw visions of himself standing victories, arms raised, on piles of corpses. This was what he was searching for without him even knowing it. Without hesitation, he walked towards Manslaughter and embraced the handle. Surging with power he could not stop himself from killing his entire battalion, or could he? The Black Dread was born.


Ring Master of the Fighting Arena.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Slaying seventeen Sand Bandits on his own

  • - while everyone in his party was down, single-handedly defeated a Banshee
    - Slaying a Balor with his party
    - Rescuing Ashbringers daughter Merda  
  • Securing a peace treaty between giants and humans in Jottenheim
  • Clearing Temple Of The Sun from a Mind flayer

  • With his group, they were the only ones to ever (briefly) visit Mogarath's Domain

  • - Bonded with a Giant toad, who later ascended to a Black Dragon
    - Saved Redmond from Drasca, the polymorphing dragon who was sent by Mogarath to destroy Redmond
    - Stopped the Dark occult from reaching their final stage
    - Being the first ones together with Thane Kor' thazz, he properly defeated a Hydra
    - Saved King Graham from certain death  
  • Put an end to Starcius and his Druids of the Glaive
  • Arm wrestled a Storm giant and won

  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • His only defeat at the hands of Thane Kor' thazz and the Flail of Goodwill
  • Mental Trauma

    The death of his mother at his own hands

    Morality & Philosophy

    "As long as combat exists, I am not done yet!" - Grimlock 


    Lawful Neutral
    Current Location
    17 (through Horrifying Visage)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Black Scales
    Known Languages
    Deep Speech
    Neltarion Dragorion
    Erakax Dragorion


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