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Half-elves are very versatile creatures, often combining both human and elven characteristics. They are usually good at fitting in with either of those groups, though not for a very long time. Since they are neither human nor elf and subsequently age at a rate somewhere in between, it is difficult for them to find a permanent footing in either of the communities, often condemning them to a life of wandering.

In the past years half-elves have become less rare in Aurleen since relationships between human cities and elven societies in the Grizzly Hills have improved. Nowadays half-elves are widely accepted throughout Aurleen, although they still might be looked down upon in secluded societies only consisting of elves.

Basic Information


Half-elves are the same size as elves, though they can be a bit heavier if they lean more to their human parentage. The same applies to skin colour, ranging from pale to tanned. Half-elves are generally recognised and described as "humans with pointy ears", though, again, this depends on the DNA passed by their parents. In contrast to elves half-elves are able to grow facial hair.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-elves are somewhat cursed by their heritage, living somewhere in between. They will age faster than humans, yet slower than elves.

Biological Cycle

Half-elves mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

This depends entirely on the parents, but a human firstname with an elven lastname or vice versa seems to be a general trend in Aurleen.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Half-elves are gifted linguists thanks to their life of wandering. The majority of half-elves speak both common, elvish and usually at least one other language or even several.

140 - 180
Average Height
1,5m - 1,9m


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