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Harper Darkwood

Birth of a witch

  Harper was born into a loving family with 3 other siblings on the wild prairie in the midst of the Whispering Frontier. Her siblings were all other than her, and were leading mostly normal lives. However, Haper was surrounded by something magical and uncontrollable. When she cried, things would topple over mysteriously. When she was angry, the floor seemed to tremble ever so slightly.   Her parents began to notice the unexplained occurrences surrounding her—the subtle sparks of magic and the strange happenings. Fearing the superstitious beliefs of their community and concerned about the potential dangers of wild magic, they made a heartbreaking decision. They believed that leaving her in the care of a secretive and reclusive group known as "The Silent Grove" would be the best way to protect her and give her a chance at a safer life.  

The Silent Grove

  The Silent Grove is a secluded, mystical grove deep within the heart of the Whispering Frontier. It is shrouded in rumors and legends, said to be a sanctuary for those with magical gifts and abilities that make them outcasts in society. The grove is known to be protected by a group of wise and enigmatic figures, who are skilled in various magical arts and who take in those who seek refuge from the world's harsh judgment.   One morning, at the break of dawn, Harper's parents left her bundled in warm clothing at the edge of the Silent Grove, their hearts heavy with grief and uncertainty. They whispered their love and hopes for her future, hoping that she would find acceptance and understanding within the grove's mystical embrace.   The members of the Silent Grove, sensing the presence of the abandoned child, discovered her shortly after her parents' departure. Guided by a shared understanding of the burden that magical abilities could bring, they welcomed Harper with open arms. The grove became her new home, and its residents became her surrogate family.  

Witch of the Wanderer's Blood

  Growing up, Harper has been plagued by whispers that could only be heard by her. Often times, these whispers would conflict each other. One set of whispers seemed to call her to embrace her true potential as a wild magic sorcerer, encouraging her to explore the depths of her abilities and follow the untamed path of her magic. On the other hand, there were other whispers that filled her mind with doubt and uncertainty. They warned her of the dangers that her wild magic could bring, cautioning her against embracing her powers fully.   The conflicting whispers left Harper torn between the desire to embrace her identity as a wild magic sorcerer and the fear of the chaos that her powers might unleash. She couldn't help but wonder if her magic was a blessing or a curse, and the uncertainty left her feeling like an outsider even within the Silent Grove.   As Harper's powers grew, so did the intensity of the conflicting whispers. In moments of solitude, she would seek solace in the woods, trying to find clarity amidst the whispers of the ancient trees. The Silent Grove, with all its wisdom, could not provide her with the answers she sought.   It was during one such moment of contemplation that she stumbled upon the old, forgotten journal in the grove's archives, leading her to the prophecy of the "Witch of the Wanderer's Blood." The whispers seemed to align with the prophecy, pointing her towards a destiny far beyond the sanctuary's boundaries.   This drove her to eventually, with a heavy heart, leave the Silent Grove behind her. With a mixed feeling of excitement, fear, and sadness for feeling more like an outcast, she set out on finding her true self, wherever she might be. As a parting gift, an artificer in the Silent Grove gave her a flying broom.  

An old Buddy

  During her travels, she met a fellow wanderer, Buddy. Buddy was able to offer her shelter at the ranch he worked at. The songs they would sing together would temporarily make the whispers go away. However, this never lasted.   Soon, the whispers calling for her to continue her path won, and so she did, wandering all throughout the Frontier. Occasionally she would bump into her old friend Buddy, and they would share a few songs and drinks together before continuing their way.   The last time she shared a drink and a song with Buddy, they were doing so at the smoky cigar saloon. Buddy informed Harper of his situation, and shared his worries about his party. The whispers were conflicting, but Harper felt an urge to seek beyond even the boundaries of the Frontier and took this opportunity to offer Buddy her help. She would set off on a flying broom she acquired and help out The FellowShipWreckers!
Chaotic Neutral
Generally yellow/brown-ish, but varying on mood


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