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There are multiple Harpy subspecies who make their home in Aurleen. Though there are a few differences depending on their locales, some features unite them as a species. Harpy's are women with the wings and legs of birds and known for their beautiful voices. To hear a Harpy's song is to hear music more beautiful than anything else in the world. A traveler that succumbs to the entrancing effect of that singing is compelled to blunder toward its source.    

Feywild Harpy's

Though they were not native to the Feywild originally, in the past few centuries these Harpy's have made their home in its shifting landscape. Compared to to Harpy subspecies they're somewhat diminutive, as flying through a dense and everchanging forest doesn't allow for a large wingspan, this allows for greater aerial mobility in exchange for being able to soar long distances at a time. Because of this they're also the best flyers out of all the Harpy tribes and their aerial prowess has allowed them a niche within the Feywild's ecosystem. They are also the only Harpy tribe who hardly rely on their voice unless they're dealing with stray humanoids, since as an invasive species they've not been able to compete with the Fey whose mind affecting abilities are far more developed. Instead, they've gained a resistance to magic and uncanny eyesight that allows them to see through illusions which they combine with their ability to fly through the forest at breakneck speeds to great effect.   Feywild Harpy's form squadrons with their nestmates, not unlike Hag covens, though they stick with their nestmates for life. As a whole, the Feywild Harpy's are incredibly aggressive and attack almost anything they think can prove a challenge. Hags and Quicklings are among their favorite targets, as well as the odd adventurer that accidentally wanders into the Feywild. Oddly enough, they never lethally wound their targets and only eat small woodland creatures. Even the more evil creatures such as Hags are left alive so they too can improve and become a bigger challenge next time. This behaviour mostly stems from their prideful nature and desire to constantly improve their flying skills, as harder challenges allow them to grow stronger.  

Mountain Harpy's

Cruel, corpse-eating creatures, Mountain Harpy's endlessly seek their next meal, careless of whether it comes from the living or the dead. With equal zeal, these vicious scavengers set upon travelers or claw open fresh graves, stripping bodies of riches and flesh. Then they carry back any treasures like appealing bones they find to reeking nests situated in cramped caves or rotten trees which they love to decorate with hair, bones or body parts. Mountain Harpy's are by far the largest among their kind and stand a good 2 to 3 heads taller than the average human, despite this they have no interest in fair fights. These sadistic cowards stalk the bleak coastal cliffs and mountainscapes of Aurleen where they lure prey over cliffs or into deadly pits with their hauntingly beautiful voices. When they attack, Mountain Harpy's play with their food, delighting in the "music" their victims make as they scream. They take time dismembering a helpless foe and can spend days torturing a victim before the merciless end.   Mountain Harpy's are exclusively solitary and never willingly interact with others of their kind aside from the odd territorial dispute during which they'll gladly kill their rivals to take their treasures and territory for themselves. In fact, the bones of other Mountain Harpy's are among their most prized posessions, and they occasionally converse with them and pretend to hold conversations. Whether this is because of a subconscious loneliness or an inherent madness is somewhat debated among scholars but all agree its highly preferable to Mountain Harpy's forming communities with living members.          

Khalajari Harpy's

The Khalajari Harpy's often form small groups and harass travellers for protection money. If the travellers refuse and the Harpy's deem them weak enough they do not hesitate to use the charming effects of their voice and strip them of their valuables after knocking them out, dumping their unconscious bodies near the edge of the desert or one of its settlements. The Harpy's actually consider this a kindness as most other denizens of the Khalajari desert are deadly and if they could not even fend them off they would have stood no chance in the unforgiving desert. Because of this they're often referred to as the "Sand toll" by the natives. The Khalajari Harpy's also offer their services as mercenaries or caravan guards, and while the payment they demand is substantial, many caravan owners like to hire at least one or two Khalajari Harpy's as their abilities and knowledge of the desert allows them to spot hazards like sandstorms and deadly creatures. Recently, PostAL has started to make use of their services to transport letters and packages as even though they're expensive, their succesful delivery rate is far higher than other methods. The Khalajari Harpy's meanwhile are very happy about the extra stream of income. They have the largest wingspan to body ratio of the Harpy subspecies as this allows them to soar great distances without much effort.       The Khalajari Harpy's are actually all part of a single big tribe and the most communal among the Harpy subspecies. They are even rumored to have their own city located somewhere in the desert. Though they guard this information closely and would rather die than give up its location, as they only thing they value more than treasure and gold is their tribe. The reason they're such shrewd negotiators is because their social standing amongst themselves is equal to the value of their posessions and not their achievements, though it must have been earned by the individual Harpy herself. As such, stealing from other Harpy's is unthinkable and cause for immediate exile.


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