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Kevin 2.0

Kevin 2.0 was a zombie created from a zombie by Emundill during a fight in the town of Violet Chapel. Contrary to the first Kevin this Kevin was able to communicate in the common language... sort of.

After the fight Kevin 2.0 entered the chapel together with Team Treebark and was instructed to read from the book on the alter. Nothing happened.

After solving a puzzle he descended into the caverns with Team Treebark to find yet another puzzle, this time some sort of blood sacrifice needed to be performed.

Pethorn immediately wanted to sacrifice Kevin, but the rest of Team Treebark, being a bit more sympathetic to Emundill and his friend, suggested Pethorn pull a random animal from his magic bag so they could sacrifice that instead. Unfortunately Pethorn pulled out a giant elk, a creature sacred to the Firbolg and refused to sacrifice it. When Gudrun Inamenor gave Kevin 2.0 a dagger to kill the animal, Pethorn took one big swing with his berserker axe and smeared Kevin’s entrails all over the walls.

That was the untimely demise of Kevin 2.0

Unfortunately his sacrifice did not solve the riddle.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Could talk

Mental characteristics


Zombie servant of Emundill

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • reading psalms from a book
  • succesfully climbing down a ladder

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Loses limbs once in a while
Current Location
30 minutes
Date of Birth
22nd of Harvest, 394
394 394 0 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Pethorn Joysword
Violet Chapel
Black patches
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Missed... you... too" to Emundill
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Kevin 1st

Character Portrait image: by Keydan


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