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Kuld Callas

"If you want soldiers storming a gate, destroying the enemy from the outside, you just throw a bag of gold in the lap of any brainless mercenary captain around, but if you really have some gold to spare… if you really want to take down the enemy, you attack him from the inside. You go looking for Kuld Callas"
-- Note found on dead official's body

This organisation does not exist

Kuld Callas are masters of infiltration only hired by those who have the riches to pay for years of meticulous planning and have the much needed patience to wait until the moment they can see their enemies collaps from afar... Other than that there is little information available about Kuld Callas. There have been whispers about the patient assassins, but because it takes years for the result to become visible it is rather hard to determine whether Kuld Callas was really involved or something coincidentally just went very awry.  

It's not real, I'm telling you

Since there is no certainty about their existence there are many rumours about their members. Some people have been wrongly convicted or just disposed of under the assumption of being an assassin. Others have claimed to be members, though admitting you're a skilled assassin rarely has a benificial outcome. Since the organization carries a dwarven name it is presumed dwarves are involved, or at least have been involved at some point, but who's to say this isn't just a rumour spread by the mercenaries themselves. It is highly likely that even their crest is nothing but a joke created by some poseurs to scare people.  

See, I told you

In any case it is of no significance to dwell on this subject. Most of us don't have that amount of money anyway.




Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
Axe of The Miscreant
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Cover image: by Darek Zabrocki


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