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Master Daylon

Daylon (a.k.a. Master of Riddles, Daylon the Cold)

Daylon is an older gentleman originally from the colder, northern part of Aurleen. He was a loyal servant to Solis for a long time before he was asked to become an instructor at the Golden Sun Academy when he was in his thirties. He has been teaching magic for a very long time, around forty years now.
He is known as a very strict, but fair teacher. His idea of magic teaching is to hammer down the theory first, only allowing pracicing spells whenever the theory is well-known. As long as you don't get on his bad side he will treat you well and help you with whatever magical means you would like to learn.   On the outside he seems to reflect the cold from his hometown in his demeanor, sometimes referred to as Daylon the Cold. Incidentally he also dresses like he takes a detour along the North Pole to travel to work, wearing thick cloaks even though the weather at Isle of the Sun  is very forgiving. He is also known as the Master of Riddles, since he really likes to test people with his riddles.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While Daylon may be old, he is certainly not weak!

Mental characteristics


Magic teacher at Golden Sun Academy
Current Location
Year of Birth
320 -68 Years old
Long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • The foolish man wastes me, the average man spends me, and wise men invest me. Yet all men succumb to me. What am I?
  • What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
  • What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do?
  • Order, order, order!
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Human Wizard by SalvadorTrakal


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