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As the only known Archpixie Melisande is effectively the mother of all pixies in Aurleen. Despite also being a pixie she is in a league of her own, though not much larger than a young human girl she still towers over her daughters. In addition, her features are moth-like and far more prominent than the simple dragonfly wings her daughters posess.   Officially she "rules" the Feywild within Blightforest, though it's more a case of her having lived there since Blightforest was young. She has no interest in politics and its more of her personal playground than anything else.  


For the most part Melisande is not much different from the average pixie, having the attention span of a newborn kitten and caring mostly about having fun and satisfying her curiosity. She usually displays a childlike innocence, playing gleefully with her daughters in the glades of the Feywild.   Having lived for unimaginably long she can come across as distant and unempathic towards others however. While a pixie might suddenly burst into tears if a traveller passes by who just lost a dear friend or be overwhelmed by the hostile intentions of a criminal, Melisande appears wholly unnaffected by the emotions of others. Though she is mostly concerned with the wellbeing of herself and her dear daughters she is still a kind and caring individual at heart.  


She has shown to be capable of serving as a patron suggesting her power is at least considerable. In actuality, Melisande uses her magic constantly and the entire Feywild is under influence of her power. Though thanks to the nature of her abilities, it's almost impossible to trace it back to her. Unlike her children, who are so in tune with the emotions of other creatures they are unable to truly cause pain Melisande does have the capacity to hurt others. Whether it's because she does not posess the same empathic abilities as her daughters or has simply been numbed to them through the passage of time is unknown.   While her offensive abilities aren't much more powerful than what mortal spellcasters can achieve, her powers of illusion and enchantment are nearly unmatched. Few know the true extent of her power however as she can go years without publicly showing abilities above what the average pixie could muster and it's likely not even she herself knows her limits as she'd rather spend decades searching for the perfect scene of a morning dewdrop falling off a flower's leaves than making an impact on the world around her. While she can be considered a Demigod, she doesn't posess a single ambitious bone in her body and has no material wealth or political power of note.  


All pixies in Aurleen can trace their lineage back to Melisande. Every season, new pixies are formed from the dust of her wings. Melisande happily names and plays with each of them until their curiosity drives them to go their own way, which is usually very quickly if not immediately.   While she loves all her children dearly, due to the variable lifespans of pixies and her own immortality she's not particularly attached to single individuals. A trait shared with most of her daughters as they generally don't care enough to find out why some pixies only stick around for years while others live for literal ages.
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