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Oakenhall and The rivervalley of Drunn by Nicola Abbate  
"Like Oaks we stand!" Bend or break if you will, but a tree does not move from it's roots.
    From the great Ghul' Alwar Basin too the harsh snowy coastlines and wetland of the Delta up north, Flows the mighty river Drunn. witch gave the forest it's name. A sea of Big old Oak's and pinetrees that host a variety of wildlife. Bears catching fish at the river while beavers make their home, wolves howling in the night while owls roam the sky's. Deer and moose wandering the land while wild boars feast from the mossy forrest soil. From the mild summers too the cold harsh winters they adapted too their home. So does a settlement that lies within the heart of the valley. Oakenhall, foundations made of rock and buildings made out of the finest timber these woods can provide. For this settlement is not yet known too all Korthia their craftmanship in woodwork and carpentry is legendary. The sturdy longhouses, shack's and the timber/stone outer wall are carved with detailed decorations from a mixed culture of dwarven and human, formed by the Founder Gragmirr Tall-Oak.  
The story of Gragmirr starts when he meets the love of his life, Hilde. In turn exiled by both of their homes, for a relation between a dwarf and a human was forbidden. They left "Ironhoof" and "Dawn" behind and went west. For Weeks they travelled. The first contact they had with a river was the river Drunn, it gave them a road further up north. Untill their journey came to an halt. Hilde gave birth too a twin along the riverside. Granndurr and harmunn. She did not survive the birth of her two sons.   Gragmirr was devastated by the loss, though he promised a home too their newborn childs. He burried his wife underneath an huge old oak and carved the next words into this magiestic tree “here lies the bones of my eternal love, here rests the mother too my kin” the tree stood center as Gragmirr and later with the help of his sons granndurr and harmunn made their home around it. they named their family after the big tree were mother was burried and their most sacred place.   As time passes the two halfling brothers and father developed a good sense for nature. They became good hunters and woodsmen because the forrest forced them too and their skill for woodworking became unravled. The sons found love in city's and brought not only family but other haflings searching for a home aswell. As Gragmirr passes away at old age the small community burried him besides his love under the oaken tree. And the Tall-Oaks build a Greathall in honor of their father next too the old oak. A huge feast was giving in memorial but also in celebration, for harmunn and his wife fleya became proud parents of the latest member of the family and gragmirr's 7th grandchild , Folky.   The settlement will later on be given the name Oakenhall and will slowly grow out into a proper known settlement. or at least thats the goal the Tall-Oaks and the other villagers try to achieve.   As their skill in woodwork and carpentry improves so does the demand for hiring Oakenhall craftsman around the province, And who knows maybe one day across all Korthia. It is becoming their main source of trade and income and the hunt their main source of food suply.  
  Hierarchy Granndurr takes the role as the local leader and his brother Harmunn held command over the small town militia. together with their wifes and some town elders they form a local communitie council. although the Tall-Oaks are not officialy diclared Lords of Oakenhall or Drunn Valley. the people here do see them as sush.   Map  
The Settlement of Oakenhall   The settlement is considered a Large town with around a 310 People living inside the walls and a 30 outside the walls. The wooden walls itself are a sturdy thick wooden construction with stone/rock foundations. It also has a pallasade and the wall has an avarage height of 14 feet in total . One main gatehouse with a ditch and drawbridge in the southwest and one small secondary gate at the norteast. they provide the entrance too the small settlement with the following buildings;   -The Greathall; The biggest structure in this settlement decorated with carvings and banners it is next too the sacred oaken tree and build in the centre ontop of a small hillside, towering over the town. this town has no Inn and the greathall is used not only for feasts, councils and negotiations but also as the center of the community, it provides a place for the villagers and travellers to get some food and drinks ( functions as the inn and townhall )   -The Sacred Oak; The old oak is the tomb and burial place of Gragmirr and Hilde and the most spiritual place within the settlement. some rumors say that it's roots stretches even beyond the outer wall.   -Boarfeet's general Goods; the best place to start for selling and buying bits and bobs is in the shop of Richy and Silvy Boarfeet. a humble wooden store in family buisiness. it is located at the market.   -The Market; the market lies in the center next to the hill were the greathall and the sacred oak are located. this is the the place you want to visit if you are searching for food like hunted game, fish, berries, herbs, ... but also furs and imported goods. it's a lifely and crowded place for a small settlement. small wooden stalls full of local goods and travelling merchants.   -The Farting Moose; this small building is also located at the market near the greathall, it hostes a few bedrooms for travellers and guests. the man owning the place is a funny grinche individual by the name Pattsy.   -The Blacksmith; The Blacksmith is runned by Hragmarr stonepants a stuborn dwarven blacksmith and he provides the town with the tools they need.   -Trackers guild; If the hunt is one of the most dominant forms of excersise around these parts, it comes with no suprise that Hamni Nessingwarry opened a hunters lodge here. however thats not the only thing a man can track. there is a rumor that there is also a bloke named Thazmirr who has some shady business going on within a bountyhunter netwerk.   Other; The rest of the town mainly exist out of other housing, grannery, stabbles, a tannery and some workshops.
Large town
Characters in Location


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