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Pethorn Joysword

Loyal Paladin Firbolg with a disdain for dwarfs. While initially, he lived peacefully, a violent act in his past changed his outlook on the world. Now, he is of the opinion that the path of peacefulness cannot always be walked.

Pethorn is a member of Team Treebark

Physical Description

Body Features

Pethorn has blue-ish fur

Facial Features

Long, floppy, pointed ears and a broad, pink nose and antlers

Apparel & Accessories

Pethorn wears ALMOST full heavy armor with the exception of his assless chaps he's very proud of. He wears colourful, fancy boots with bells on the tips, wherever those came from. A green cloak of leaves covers his back.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pethorn was separated from his clan of Firbolgs after they were attacked by dwarves. For a long time he believed he was the only Firbolg left in Aurleen. This event made him stray from the peaceful way of the paladin and still weighs heavily on him to this day.

After wandering for a while Pethorn found himself in Mossvile, joining a few nice strangers to the Sunfare Festival. Unbeknownst to him this would be the start of his epic adventures in Team Treebark.

During a 'little' visit to The Ancient Library Pethorn acquired possible information about his missing clan. Together with Team Treebark he went to look for them and surprisingly found them in Herwarin. At first Pethorn decided say goodbye to Team Treebark to stay with his long lost family, but it was then he knew Team Treebark was also his family. And well, of course they wouldn't survive one day without him! He caught up with them not too long after that, but it took Gudrun a while to forgive him.


Tank and occasional obstructionist in Team Treebark

Failures & Embarrassments

Died of snorting lenium

Mental Trauma

Being seperated from his clan during an attack by dwarves

Morality & Philosophy

Pethorn's morality can be quite vague


Messing with the sacred nature is not done

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Pethorn has a profound dislike of dwarves, which has already gotten Team Treebark in trouble multiple times.
He loves experimenting with different types of drugs, alcohol or whatever he can get his hands on.


Religious Views

Pethorn follows the nature goddess Hiatea

Hobbies & Pets

Gryfth King the gryphon is Pethorn's loyal ride and sidekick
Extremely chaotic
Short thick brown hair and an awesome beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Hairy blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Now hold on a sec..."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Character Portrait image: by TheSleepyPencil


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