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Sly's Fox Guild

"We will not speak of this again! promise me!" - Marthalia claw
  Sly was one of the first Tabaxi to settle in Aurleen. He was a businessman of a noble family who wanted to seek his fortune elsewhere. Along with his trusty backpack, he braved the sea for months until finally stumbling upon Aurleen. The first point of civilisation he came across was Torda, This was a city he was familiar with. After working for money he quickly opened his own trading business. Sly was loved in Torda as he was known for giving rounds at blue shore Inn.
Years went by and the business of Sly flourished and he even was offered a role in the council of Torda, which he refused. Sly never really thought of his home, but it crossed his mind occasionally. Until one day, a day like any other, the door opened and there stood another Tabaxi. As being the only Tabaxi in Aurleen, sly was baffled to see one of his kind. This handsome female Tabaxi introduced herself as Marthalia. Marthalia came to Aurleen to "get as far away as possible" from her former life. she heard that there was another Tabaxi in Torda, so she came by to visit.   At the time Sly and Marthalia married, Sly was one of the wealthiest citizens of Torda. He decided to leave Torda and build his own mansion. He wanted a safe home for his children as the twins where almost about to be born. He chose the name because of the name his grandfather used to call him: "The Fox". Sly had plans of making this guild a place of knowledge and rest as travellers from all over could stay the night or learn about business menagment for Sly himself.
  Their two daughters quickly learned to stand on their own feet and Marthalia would grow tired of Trinket's inpatient behaviour. Having constant arguing with his wife about how to raise their daughters, Sly took up the habit of drinking. This would be his downfall. Being constantly drunk, his choices in business opportunities where porely calculated. It did not take long for Sly to tumble a deep, financial hole. Because of the unsafe area the guild was located at the time, because of Orc attacks happening, the value of the mansion was almost none. One night in a drunken rage, Sly declared to defend his house till his last breath, this would come to pass in two days.

Purpose / Function

The guiled used to function as a welcoming place for all who wish to learn business management or stay the night after a long journey. sly had many friends and also used the guild to host seminars.


The fine oak-wooden architecture of this mansion is distinctive for Tabaxi buildings. Sly wanted some resemblance of his former life.
Sly's Fox Guild logo
Founding Date
Mansion / Villa
Sly Claw
Marthalia Claw


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