BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Alexander 'Xander' Wilkinson
by Ryan Frederickson

Alexander Wilkinson was a real man of the people, charismatic and seemingly good to the core. It was no surprise he booked major succes in the Mossvile Mayor elections when he promised to rebuild the destroyed SunFare Festival with his own money and put Mossvile on the map as an important hub. His only noteworthy opponent was the current mayor Devon Belltrum, so when he coincidentally ended up being poisoned on his visit to Heaven's Keep, the road was all free for Xander. Yet Xander chose to resign, because it would be unfair to participate in the elections this way. Little did people know that they were being played.

A big stage has been built in Mossville, the crowd gathers to hear the words of one man. On stage is a slim and tall man with a mustache and a little goatee, approximately 40 years old. The crowd goes wild when Alexander Wilkinson promises to rebuild the SunFare Festival, with his own money nevertheless. Truly a man of the people. It's not long before the village is filled with hobgoblins and giant apes dancing to Xander's gold, but maybe this looks a bit too good to be true. We were so cautious, so on guard, we distrusted him up until the last moment. We let our guard down and the Mask Of Many Faces was removed, revealing Xander to be Sul'jhin, a servant of Mogarath. (Team Treebark)


Sul'Jhin the Troll Necromancer


The Siege of Mossvile

Sul'jhin a.k.a Xander Wilkinson was able to convince the people of Mossvile of his good intentions, even though he fortified the city and hired hobgoblins and giant apes. He revealed his true self when Team Treebark came looking for him after their visit to Redmond to ask for support against an upcoming attack from Heaven's Keep. The powerfull necromancer defeated Team Treebark after an arduous battle, but chose to postpone their execution until he was able to do it in front of Mogarath. He had not counted on them being saved by the wizard Emundill. While King Graham gathered his men in front of the gates, Cordell Steelheart warned the King through a magic message, so that he was able to see through Sul'jhin's lies who had once again disguised himself as Xander. After fleeing back to the center of Mossvile he was once again confronted by Team Treebark, but not before putting a sword through their dear friend Arbor's heart.

We suffered a heavy defeat. The necromancer had deceived us this whole time. The Sign of Omen he handed over earlier was a fake. He had meticulously planned out his strategy to take over Mossville, but he made one big mistake: he let us live. He hadn't counted on us warning the king standing before the gates of the now reinforced Mossville. With the help of the strange wizard Emundill we were able to escape and confront this bastard one more time, but not before he laid waste to our precious Treebark Inn, killing Arbor in the process. Right when we were about to overthrow Sul'jhin the necromancer was pulled through a portal. His whereabouts are currently unknown. This bastard better hide, because we still have an axe to grind with him after all he has done. (Team Treebark)


Sul'jhin surfaced again in the Kelna volcano where he wanted to ressurect a demonic dragon that had been petrified by Mirham The Dragonslayer. This time the fight with Team Treebark ended less favourable for him. He died trying to run for his life.
"You are a coward. You hide behind masks, you never dared to face us head on.
We wanted to put your head on a spike on the walls of our keep, but we've changed our minds.
You aren't worth to spend time telling about.
This is not the night you die... this is the night we END you.
You will be wiped from existence, vanish from the surface of the earth!
No one will remember you.
This is for Arbor.
Goodbye, you nameless troll."
Team Treebark
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Team Treebark
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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