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The Five Days of Creation

An afternoon in the beginning of the month of Druids, a traveller enters the Library of Strütholm and is greeted by the local librarian: "Good afternoon. Oh? You are interested in information about the upcoming Days of Creation? You mustn't be from around here then. In section C-8, you can find a short but sweet pamphlet from PostAl explaining how the Days of Celebration are celebrated here in Aurleen. It explains it quite well. Just walk that way and keep an eye on your left. And you may also want to check our culture section, section B-2. Some of the papers regarding different cultures or races have a paragraph about the Days of Creation. If you are in C-8, just turn around, turn right, then left and you should find it there. If not, I'm sat here for the whole day." The traveler heads to the sections and finds multiple "papers".  

Pamphlet from PostAL

The traveller looks at the first "paper", a pamphlet from PostAL. It is colorful and festive, whilst also giving enough information to the uninformed:  
The Days of Creation! What are they and how does one celebrate it? If you have never heard of the Days of Creation you must have been living under a rock, since Aurleen is not the only place that celebrates it! The Days of Creation are the first 5 days of Blessings, just over halfway between the Summer and Winter Solstice, in which the Creator-God, Nailuj, is praised, thanked and honored for his work on creating everything. Here in Aurleen, we celebrate the Days of Creation by sending gifts to shrines of the Creator-God, Nailuj. Here is how that works:
  1. On the first Day of Creation, gifts will be collected by local volunteers. If you don't have a local residence, you can also hand in your gift to a volunteer at the town's square or at a local PostAL!
  2. These volunteers will head to the nearest Shrine with these gifts and offer them to the Creator-God, Nailuj. Then they will proceed home. Their journey is planned in such a way that they arrive back home on the last Day of Creation.
  3. During the Days of Creation, people will try to work the least amount possible and celebrate as much as they can.
  4. On the final Day of Creation, no celebration is started until the volunteers return. A grand final celebration is then held, thanking both the Creator-God, Nailuj and the volunteers for their work.
I hope this pamphlet answers your questions regarding the Days of Creation! If you have any questions, feel free to hop into your nearest PostAL!

A translation of ilv genocide eth orstirth

The traveller found a translation of the (in)famous paper ilv genocide eht orstirth (or to genocide the orcs in Common). He opened the book and saw a chapter regarding the religion and traditions of orcs:  

Chapter 4: the Religion and traditions of the Savage

"It turns my stomach upside down to write or even think about this, but there is a possibility that these savages have a redeemable quality. During the Days of Creation, scouts noticed a significant reduction in the barbarians' presence on the borders of their territory. I speculate that they must be holding some kind of ritual during these days, as when the Days passed, their activity increased again. It is unknown to me what this ritual is. As mentioned before, these savages worship Da Big 'Un, this ritual might be to praise him. What turns me sick, is the possibility of these cretins worshipping the Creator, Nakilun. Due to our own celebrations of the Days of Creation, scouts were ordered to stand down by their higher-up." [P.357, L.3]
  At the bottom of the page, there is a footnote from the translator. It is noted that at the time of writing ilv genocide eth orstirth Nakilun was the name given to the Creator, Nailuj by the Dwarves.    

A collection of pages named "Regarding the Vedalken"

The traveller notices an old leather-bound book and approached it. Whilst trying to pick it up from the shelf, the librarian walked past and made a remark: "In for a tough read, are you? This folder barely contains any useful information regarding the Vedalken, as they were quite keen on keeping secrets. The unknown author of these pages has been dead for a long time, so most of the pages are either unreadable or contain lots of old Draconic words. A translator tried to make something of it by adding notes. Keyword being 'tried'. Oh, and make sure you keep the bundle in one piece!" The traveller sat down at one of the tabels and began opening the folder with caution:  

Regarding Vedalken Strongholds

" [...] therefore 'tis [strange? weird?] they would hath celebratorian at all. These war[mongers? lords?] hath no rest until they hath either conquered, slain, enslaved or [illegible], if not all of these horrid actions. 'Twixt the highest and lowest standing of Solis, it hath been seen that these self-proclaimeth "intellects" rest and do not fare war for [5?] days. [illegible] observeth [illegible] being hunted for [fun? sport?] on these days. The Vedalken hath also been seen holding a feast. From what I knoweth, this is not something Vedalken would do. 'Tis observed that these [illegible] were praising a Creator. 'Tcan only be an eldritch horror [illegible] enough to earneth the praise of the Vedalken. This is the sole information I hath retrieveth from prisoners. All prisoners were taken by [illegible], bullies trained to mentally torture prisoners to deemeth them as mentally capable as a par[snip?]."


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