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The Four Great Tools and the Dwarven Regalia

The Children of Stone

  Once, the Dwarves were a single unified race called the Children of Stone, yet thousands of years ago they split off into multiple different subspecies and became divided. What little is known of them is extrapolated from the following poems.

The Four Kings
United were the children of stone,
Led by four brothers they were,
The King of the Mountains,
The King of the Hills,
The King of the Deep,
And the forgotten King,
Through Greed and Pride their unity lost,
Divided are the children of stone.

The Nameless Prince
To unite the Children of stone,
The Nameless Prince sought to forge a symbol,
Thus he befriended and learned from each Brother-King in turn,
In the mountains he forged the Anvil of Songs
In the hills he forged the Shaping Hammer,
In the deep he forged the Brutal Pick
And with his father created the Eartheart Forge,
Axe and Throne were born that day,
United once more, are the children of stone.

The Four Great Tools

Though this transpired long before even the Calamity, many Dwarves still remember the Four Great Tools, despite few people knowing the location of even a single one. The Four Great Tools are as follows:

  • The Anvil of Songs - Humming with the Song of Creation, currently remains in Craggor Gemsongs personal Vault.
  • The Shaping Hammer - Shaping even the toughest metals like clay, currently remains in the hands on an unknown Ironhoof clan.
  • The Brutal Pick - Carving out even Adamantine with ease, currently remains in Craggor Gemsongs personal Vault.
  • The Eartheart Forge - Burns with the heart of a Phoenix, currently remains in the Khagkar Mines.

The Dwarven Regalia

While the tools themselves are powerful items, their true value lies in being able to recreate the Dwarven Regalia should they ever be destroyed. The Regalia are two different artifacts, an Axe and a Throne, the Dwarf who possesses both is said to be able to re-unite the Dwarves. Though they have never been brought together again after their initial creation, and most doubt the Dwarves of today would even care, though many still desire them for their power.

  • The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords - A battleaxe with a blade shaped like an erupting volcano. Wielded by the Dwarven hero Arbeid, and subsequently destroyed, in the final fight of the Calamity.
  • The Wyrmskull Throne - A large throne of polished obsidian, the throne's feet are the impaled skulls of four dragons. Though it is confirmed to still exist somewhere, the Throne's location has been lost long before the Calamity.


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