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The Sylvan Sorority

"All in a day's work girls!" - Force Captain Holly
  The Sylvan Sorority is a group of Fey that operates within Aurleen.   A few examples of Sylvan Sorority members:   Founded by Aloë as a way for her daughters to be a single group that could protect themselves and each other. Though recently they have been working to restore nature to Aurleen and creating space for Fey to live, as well as having been tasked by King Graham to watch over and tutor his son, Prince Eli. With a few exceptions, most of the Sylvan Sorority consists of Dryads and Pixies, though they all consider each other sisters.   The Sylvan Sorority has grown into a force that has managed to accomplish several achievements on their own.

The protection of Halmstad and defeat of the Tromokratis

The first great obstacle the Sylvan Sorority dealt with was the escorting of thousands of refugees from Halmstad to the Isle of the Sun. Due to a mysterious mist, only a few refugees could be transported at a time.   After some digging, the Sylvan Sorority uncovered a plot to kill all the refugees that culminated in a battle against the mythical Tromokratis, a Kraken Demigod. After a hard fought battle, the Tromokratis fell, only to have its carapace burst open and reveal four pulsing hearts as the Tromokratis rose again for another round. With their combined efforts, the Sylvan Sorority destroyed the Tromokratis for good this time and used their victorious momentum to push on to the ship of the immortal pirate queen Loretta, who was ordered to carry out this assault. After disposing of her crew, the Sylvan Sorority managed to, against all odds, convince Loretta to aid Aurleen, and most miraculously of all, struck up a friendship with her.   In the end, the Sylvan Sorority created a temporary land bridge between the Isle of the Sun and the Picta Province so the refugees could make their way to the relatively safer island.  

The expedition to Den's Deep and defeat of Confusion

At Erryn's request, the Sylvan Sorority delved into the mysterious forest of Den's Deep after some research into its nature. While there, they came across a force of Mogorath's soldiers and ambushed them. Wishing to resolve this conflict without bloodshed, they managed to convince the soldiers to bring them to the center of the forest with the help of the Sylvan Sorority's charming personalities, and charm spells. Additionally, they came across a Spider by the name of Saltrasa.   After dealing with Den's Deep's many tricks, and a few gargantuan red lenium corrupted treants, they managed to find the center of the forest. Where they found out they were in a completely different location due to the machinations of a mysterious entity called confusion. After a difficult battle, Confusion turned out to be a mere simulacrum as the real Confusion turned up behind the Sylvan Sorority. Though Confusion was a powerful enchanter and illusionist, as Aloë's daughters they had ample knowledge on how to deal with his trickery and he fell in combat.   After the fight, they found the actual location of Discovery and managed to reboot her system in addition to securing a crystal that is the source of Nailuj's creation powers.

The battle for the Dark Portal and defeat of Bahal, the Great serpent

As the time of Dralgus's invasion drew closer, a collossal snake of more than 7 miles (11km) long appeared near the Dark Portal in addition to the more than ten thousand demons already guarding it. The Sylvan Sorority was tasked with clearing the portal on Aurleen's side. The Sylvan Sorority kicked off their assault by using their druidic powers to turn the earth of Aurleen against a horde of more than 11.000 demons, destroying them, and pushing on towards their goal.   As they went closer to the portal, a crushing gravitational pressure took hold of the Sylvan Sorority, much the same as Mascrox later proved to have during the final battle to stop Dralgus's invasion. As they stood in front of the Great serpent Bahal, they struggled greatly to make any significant changes to their positioning, with many unable to even get close to the unfathomably large creature. To make matters worse, Bahal had the ability to manipulate gravity freely as well and pull the less physically powerful members of the group out of position. The Great serpent proceeded to conjure a powerful sandstorm that cut bodies and blinded eyes and after this, a long drawn-out battle ensued between the Sylvan Sorority and Bahal, as the thrashed his mountain-range sized body to cause great harm.   After many rounds between the two forces, Bahal planned to use his final trump card against a tired and expended Sylvan Sorority. Having relied on his immense durability and power up until that point, he revealed to have access to high level magic as he cast the 9th level spell: Meteor Swarm. Luckily, through quick action, his magic was foiled, and the Sylvan Sorority combined their last efforts and finally took down the Great serpent Bahal, and securing one side of the portal for Aurleen.  

The battle for the Violet Enclave and defeat of Brimhaven and Hogg's feet

  After a scouting mission with Valon in Hogg's Feet, the Sylvan Sorority was alerted to an assault by Morgorath's forces at one of their enclaves. They sent a call for aid to Aloë for Golden Lion support, and after teleporting to the Enclave, they faced countless Goblins, Orcs, Batriders, multiple trebuchets, 2 Mighty Fortresses, 2 platinum plated Man'o'Wars with Beholders, and a dark ritual in progress.   The fight started off with a quick teleport behind enemy lines full force to stop the dark ritual. After which the Sylvan Sorority brought the Mighty Fortresses down with Earthquakes and held off the Goblin legions while Valon engaged the enemy general and his Squig mount. After a brutal battle, the general and his mount were felled, with the legions and trebuchet crews falling soon after. However, the batriders had moved towards the enclave, and the Man'o'Wars had made shore with more forces streaming out of them.    Another ardeous fight followed, though just when the battle was swinging in the defender's favor, an airship breached the clouds, named the Black Baron (an Orc airship), it was surrounded by Shamans on bats and moving towards the enclave. Leaving the rest to clean up the legions, Valon and Striketeam Alfa teleported on its deck, with Valon blinking behind the captain, stabbing him to death, taking his hat, and claiming the ship as his own. Valon's captainship of the Black Baron was short-lived however, as Striketeam Alfa took out its crew and shamans, which was apparently the only thing keeping this majestic, but otherwise very normal boat aloft through magic. As the ship fell from great heights and completed its transformation into toothpicks, the rest of ground legions fell. When the defenders were preparing to finish of the last Batriders and proclaim their victory, their hearts sank when the Foxhound, veiled by its thunderous clouds teleported onto the scene and rained death from above.   Luckily, at this point the Golden Lion finally arrived. Tired but determined, Valon and the group teleported onto the Golden Lion to engage the Foxhound in the air. The Foxhound managed to outspeed the Golden Lion however, and immediately blasted the helm into pieces, removing the Golden Lion's ability to turn, and got a good hit on the hull. Undeterred, the Golden Lion returned fire with Arcane Cannon blasts to take out the Foxhound helm and a good part of their cannons. After exchanging more fire between ships, the Batrider survivors regrouped to take down the Force Walls the Golden Lion used to protect itself, but were shot out of the air by Valon and crew with longbows, as well as Azura who came onto the scene. The Foxhound had an ace up its sleeve however, as a Meteor Swarm was being cast from their ship. Azura blocked it with her body, shrugging it off an retaliating with a well placed lightning breath.   At this point, the Foxhound teleported away. As Valon breathed a sigh of relief, Holly's suspisions called for Miko to raise their ship and hold fire to the other side. Their vigilance rewarded, the Foxhound appeared next to them, missing their held volley and taking the full return fire of the Golden Lion. Wanting to press their advantage to take down Morgorath and claim the Foxhound, the Sylvan Sorority and Valon teleported above the thundercloud of the Foxhound, breaking their fall down onto the deck below with winged mounts. Now on the Foxhound's deck, they were greeted by a thousand crewmen and Morgorath himself. After immediately washing most of the weaker crew off the deck to the ground below, Valon and the Sylvan Sorority braced themselves as Morgorath came down from the helm to face them, which was promptly interrupted by the appearance of Uthal, the Goliath fighter/messenger. Regardless, a fight broke out, with Valon and Uthal rushing to meet Morgorath head on while the Sylvan Sorority split their focus on keeping the combat deck crew away from their fight and keeping Valon alive. A difficult prospect, as Valon took blow after blow from Morgorath, going down multiple times, yet managing to hold on through sheer willpower. Once the deck's crew was dispatched, the Golden Lion fired another volley at the Foxhound, but unfortunately struck critically, nearly blowing it out of the sky with everyone on it. As the Foxhound rapidly lost altitude, the Sylvan Sorority sent a group down to the lower deck to disable its teleportation capabilities. Unfortunately they didn't make it in time, and the Foxhound managed to teleport away.   Victorious, Valon Uthal and the Sylvan Sorority landed the Golden Lion in Blight Forest, and split up to clear out the remains of Brimhaven. At this point, they also managed to get ahold of intel that Morgorath was hiding a large part of his force under Hogg's Feet together with the remains of the Goblin and Orc forces, and was planning to use them to sweep through Aurleen in a surprise attack. A plan that was killed together with his forces when Hogg's feet was collapsed on top of them by the at this point very tired of war Sylvan Sorority, ending Morgorath's aggressive push into Aurleen, at least for now....

The lifting of the Khala Jari Desert curse and defeat of Pharaoh Imhotep


The journey to Jotunheim and defeat of the Frost King, Merlin


The cleansing of Den's Deep and defeat of the Evil God, Herbux


The Sylvan Sorority has several defensive positions across Aurleen called The Enclaves, dense forests of just a little under a 10 mile radius and a large tree-like spire in the center.   Currently these consist of:
  • The Violet Enclave, built on the Violet Chapel in the North East of Aurleen.
  • The Eternal Enclave, built where the Well of Eternity allegedly stood in the South East of Aurleen.
  • The Bright Enclave, built on the destroyed Bright Keep in the South West of Aurleen.
  • The Nova Enclave, built near Nova in Dead Men's Marsh in the North West of Aurleen.
Current membership:   Druids: Daisy, Poppy, Holly, Willow, Hibiscus   Priests: Rhubarb, Apple, Plum, Hazel, Tilia   Paladins: Lilac, Laurel, Lime, Lavender, Lily   Wizards: Asherra, Hajai, Blanque, Helia, Aurora, Cascade   Conclaves: Pine, Sycamore, Birch, Maple, Cypres, Juniper, Spruce, Orchid, Hawthorne, Spindle   Auxiliary forces: Cordelia Spiteclaw, D4, D6, Cherry   Honorary member: Prince Eli

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