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Vizosas is the god of fertility, growth and harvest. Most commoners know her from the Harvest Festival (see Aurleenian Calendar). Her followers / worshippers consist mostly of farmers of all varieties. And while most commoners only pay attention to her during the Harvest Festival (see Aurleenian Calendar), farmers of all varieties worship her almost every with a small prayer and some sort of religious symbol, usually in the form of a figurine mounted on a wall, but some worshippers also use a coin with on one side a seed and on the other side a bundle of wheat, symbolizing that, eventhough one may start small, through growth, one will grow.

Physical Description

Special abilities

In several stories surrounding Vizosas, it can be noted that she can make almost any plant grow by touching it. Every step she takes, she leaves a magical patch of ground, causing grass to burst from the ground. While Vizosas is most known for her ability to cause growth, she is also capable of halting or even reversing growth. She is a benevolent god, but those who willfully go against her tenets for prolonged periods of time (such as purposely destroying farmland / crops or killing livestock without cause) will be met with barren lands. The most notable example of this is Mogarath's Domain, a barren wasteland.

Apparel & Accessories

Vizosas is usually depicted wearing a short dress made from leather, cloth and rough material, such as jute. In her right hand, she wields a scythe, while resting her left hand on livestock (most commonly are sheep or cows, but pigs or goats or carrying a chicken is sometimes used as well).
Divine Classification
Maple red
Short, straight, ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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