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The Elemental Plane of Water

Sèhreia, or more commonly named the Elemental Plane of Water, is an Inner or Elemental Plane in the Great Wheel of Cosmology. It's located between the Elemental Plane of Air and the Elemental Plane of Earth.
(geographical information)


As Sèhreia is inhabited by many native folks, they also have their own names for those races. Described are the three most popular terms.


The Marids, also known as water genies, are the original inhabitants of Sèhreia. They are believed to be evolved from some kind of sea leviathan, thus being a lot bigger than most other aquatii. Most Marids are quite persuasive, making them amazing merchants. Because of their size, and silver tongues, many of the Sèhreii trading empires are led by Marids.


The Marii, also known as water genasi, are the result of mixing Marid with humanoids from the material plane. The Marids see them as magnificent workers for their businesses. Marii born in Sèhreia are thought a lot about the different goods that can be traded, making them very insightful traders.


The Aquatii is an umbrella term used for races stemming from Sèhreia. Many use them to describe Triton and Nereids among others. Sometimes the term is even used to describe Marids and Marii.


There are different notable locations on Sèhreia.

The Bubbling Bazar


The Treasures of Zambazil


The Deep



  • Primordial (Aquan)
Alternative Name(s)
The Elemental Plane of Water
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Belle Deesse


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