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Planet Sura, some number of galaxies away within our supercluster, in the not so close, but not so distant future.   The Sol, this solar system's local star, started fading from the sky, its energy decreasing for a few years now. despite all observations, measurements and experiments, no one knows how or why this is happening, and so the world is becoming a frozen wasteland. Not only that, but the planet became tidally locked to its star over the few years since the sun started dimming, causing an exodus of billions from the darkened side, all in search of light and warmth, so-called "light-migrants". Year by year, temperatures hit new lows, and snow piles on and onward.   That being said, through all the pain and assured doom for humankind this seemingly permanent ice age has caused, people persist.   With temperatures as high as -40 degrees centigrade at best, and far below -100 degrees on much of the globe otherwise, how can this world hope to survive?   One nation might be working on a solution in secret...

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