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The Expeditionary Scout is a role that has been held in high esteem on Kiannon.     From the earliest days of the colony, Scouts from the Mothership military traveled the surface of Coracle in order to evaluate whether it was safe enough to land.  They identified the safest spot on the continent to begin their first settlement and sketched out a plan for future colonists to expand.    When some of the colonists (the early AGP) decided to set out without their assistance or support, the Mothership Council did not try to stop them.  They trained their settlers as best they could and then later sent out scouts to support the survivors of the initial Eldritch settlement.  When the AGP wanted to expand beyond Eldritch, the Military trained AGP members as if they were members of the military.  They also trained members of the Founders Sect so they wouldn’t seem biased.     Later the military opened a training enter planet-side to train anyone that wanted to support the colony in expanding its borders.  The military trained the scouts in tracking, observation, survival camping, first aid and defense (both personal (aikido, karate, etc) and offensive techniques (attacking those who seek to harm them)).  The Scout Training school is in the heart of Cathay, a few streets over from the Founders Sect compound.     While adherents to the Founders Sect and the AGP trained together in Cathay, once they left the school and were sent off on their assignments by their respective factions, there was an unspoken antagonism between scouts from opposing factions.  Both factions are quick to say that the scouts are not spies, but they do not hesitate to request information gathering from the scouts under their influence.   Scouts are typically very independent minded people and have come to have a reputation for being very salty to folks who try to impose their beliefs or ideas on them.  Some of the Founders Sect Light scouts have been known to hold the Sect's beliefs very lightly.  They serve the Founders Sect because it suits them (they want to protect the environment or whatnot), not because they are fanatical about the Founders Prophet.
Intelligence Gathering


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