Lumarien Caravan

The people of the Lumarien Plains are known for their nomadic ways, and the caravans they travel with are integral to their lifestyle. These covered wagons are essentially homes for the Lumarien people, carrying their food, belongings, trade items, and even themselves. They aren't seen much outside of Lumarien, as the rest of Kima's land is not as flat or requires passage through mountainous terrain to reach. The caravans are built primarily out of wood, leather, and canvas.


Each caravan is pulled by one, sometimes two, Behemoths. These powerful beasts can pull over 2000 lbs, with riders to boot. They also provide materials for the Lumarien people and double as farm animals. Due to their magical origin, they are sturdier and live longer than oxen or horses. Their strength allows the caravans to carry thousands of pounds in cargo and passengers. Typically, the only clan members who end up having to walk are the caravan guards, though many able-bodied members will still choose to walk for exercise or entertainment.

Armor and defense

The caravans rarely have their own armaments and have few defense mechanisms, but many longer-lasting wagons have been outfitted with leather lining and wooden reinforcements to provide modest protection against arrows and blades. Lumarien clans don't often clash, but the increase in pressure and skirmishes from other Kiman provinces have forced Lumariens to take more precautionary measures for their safety.

Additional & auxiliary systems

All caravans are outfitted with a water tank and a food storage compartment. Most also have at least one sleeping compartment or, at the least, a bench. Lumarien clans tend to camp at night in tents, but those with small children or elderly clan members may need to rest during travel.
1500 lbs empty
10 to 30 mi/day
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
up to 2000 lbs of cargo, up to 6 adults

Cover image: by Me