Cleo Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Cleo (a.k.a. The Sapphire of the desert)

the pet dragon of Garret Fastfoot

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cleo was adopted by the Executioners after they fell into a sinkhole created by her mother, causing the old dragon to attack them. After the battle and the Dragon lay dead the group explored further into these tunnels finding a egg, upon finding it the group realized it was hatching. This hatchling was not hostile and after some discussion the group decide to adopt the hatchling and raise it to be a good dragon, Garret Fastfoot the spy of the group named her Cleo. Cleo is a Rattelyr, a rare dragon reminiscent of a rattle snake thought long extinct by most that use to occupy Weltako during its beginnings, these dragons are generally aggressive and territorial and as a result they were hunted to extinction. Rattelyr are said to have rattles for tails and a hood like a rattle snake which was said to be used to reflect magic like a mirror and shoot a straight beam scorching flame, and strangest of all Rattelyr do not sprout wings instead having superior tunneling abilities allowing them to dig deep underground and ambush its prey from beneath making them the bane of early traders. Cleo has spent her time growing up  mostly around Garret who has begun teaching her right from wrong and training her to be a asset to the Executioners. Cleo has grown into a valuable member of the team but is still young not having grown out her "hood" yet and still being the size of a small dog. Her appearance has attracted the attention of many collectors and historians but few actually attempt anything from fear of the Executioners who are quite capable. Although pone bounty hunter has undertaken this task, Arin Artificer, who turned out to be from a different universe. Successfully capturing Cleo after she handed herself over in exchange for leaving Garret alone Arin returned to his home universe to conduct study on the young dragon. The Executioners tracking down Arins location to an old library connected to the Fastfoot family, who also had a connection to this other universe. While learning about his own connection to this mysterious other universe the group hunted for Cleo and Arin, finding them in a mysterious futuristic facility owned by a group calling themselves the Foundation. After a violent confrontation Cleo was saved and the group made there escape from the facility returning to there home universe. Cleo has decided she will stay by Garrets side from now on and wishes to find out more about the Fastfoots and why they were assassinated.


has learn morality beyond that of most of her species and also has learn much about stealth and ambush from watching Garret


special forces

Failures & Embarrassments

captured by Arin and kidnapped

Intellectual Characteristics

Cleo learns must faster than other sentient races as all dragons do and has a dedicated teacher to help her along

Morality & Philosophy

Cleo has a loose understanding of morality but has begun to learn be a good dragon and understands the basics of what should and shouldn't be done to others and it is bad to toy with prey before killing it but still has a long way to go before her scales will shine like those of the metallic dragons


Current Status
4 months
Date of Birth
12th of Lengo 1563
Circumstances of Birth
found and adopted by adventurers
underground nest
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
purple scales
40 lbs
Known Languages
draconic, common

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