Darius rothmor Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Darius rothmor

Captain Darius Rothmor (a.k.a. kid)

Darius is the Captain of the Harpers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Darius was born to a poor mother struggling in the Capital of Celment, Taiga, with an absent father Darius grew up watching his mother struggle to provide for them. His mother worked as a maid for a local noble and was treated extremely poorly and Darius didn't understand why she would subject herself to this. She would die of illness when Darius was 14 and it was after her death that he realized that she did it for him. This would instill a strong sense of justice in Darius while also instilling a strong distaste with the rich. Darius would be drawn into the thieves guild having no qualms stealing from the local nobles and figured he could use what he took to help the others around him. he would do jobs for the guild for a few years and was pretty good at it, but he would soon realize that his fellow guild members wouldn't share his sentiments stealing from peasants and farmers as often as nobles and many being in it purely from their own greed , and as he would find out later the upper ranks of the guild were being funded by the Empire who used the guild to disrupt politics and undermine the independence of Celment. these revelations would lead to his meeting with Pride Beltro and his group, were young Darius would ask them to help him do something about the corruption in the guild. this would lead to the gang wars between the 2 faction of guild members, the Harpers who allied with Pride and Darius, and the Reapers who allied with Reshi's father. After Pride killed one of their Lieutenants the reapers would begin to escape into the Empire. With the reapers scattered and Prides political influence on the rise Darius decided to assist Pride in crowning a new leader for Cement. Darius was made the Captain of the Harpers whom were being absorbed into the new military as special forces, spy's and weapon merchants. Darius would serve loyally to the new queen who renamed the country Euphoria, and would be sent on a special mission to Weltako were rumors that the Imperials had been stirring trouble and military movements threatened the small nation. These rumors would prove true and Darius found himself in the middle of a multi-country war. There he was tasked with following a group known as the Executioners, a group of freelance Soldiers who was helping the Weltakens whom Pride had become interested in and told Darius to report there activities and assist them assuming they didn't interfere with Euphorian goals. He did and became friends with the group. Unfortunately during and Demonic attack on a village the entity known as Hellspawn Jack Darius was kidnapped by Jack and imprisoned in the Market city (a stronghold taken by the Imperials) he hasn't been seen since.




Special-operations Captain

Accomplishments & Achievements

Youngest Captain in Euphoria
Current Status
Date of Birth
3rd Desent 1544
short black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs
Known Languages
common, infernal, elvish

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