Monica Hellsung Character in Kimaria | World Anvil
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Monica Hellsung

Lady Monica Hellsung (a.k.a. Vampire Princess)

Noble women and advisor/military leader for Ricklon

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Monica was born to a noble Family of Drows who turned from the Underdark and the Empire and have faithfully served Weltako since. Despite this her family has been the center of scrutiny in the nobility and commoners alike since there arrival, partly due to the nature of the family's artifact that they brought over with them, a spear of Vampiric powers that uses blood to heal the body of the user ( a side effect being the ingestion of a foes blood), that has caused many legends of the family being Vampires despite the deaths of many of them. The Hellsungs how ever are not vampires in any capacity and in fact Monica herself has never used the spear in battle, preferring the elegance and slicing capability's of a sword. Monica herself had a relatively mundane life growing up in the shelter of the fortress overlooking Ricklon, she attended school and learned swordplay as all nobles do in Weltako, Monica never met her mother who was a Drow from Vesperia who had caught the fancy of her Father during a diplomatic envoy, she was given leave to stay in Weltako during the pregnancy as it was to dangerous to travel back to Vesperia bearing child, being born in Weltako Monica was declared a Weltaken, but alas her mother was not permitted to stay and was forced to return to Vesperia never to return. since then diplomatic tensions with the Empire have prevented them from ever meeting. When Monica was 12 tragedy struck and her father fell gravely ill and despite the work of clerics and doctors from across the land he was unable to be cured and succumb to his sickness. With no parents to raise her she was placed in the care of the advisor for Ricklon, Jerimiah kentler. Jerimiah would continue to enroll Monica in her classes believing that his duty was to raise her into a Leader and that he did forcing her to learn about diplomacy, noble ship, combat and all other things Nobles are charged with. Monica despite a great deal of respect for Jerimiah, found these things to be dull and boring and would often replace the textbooks for her studies with legends of adventurers and tales of grandeur. Monica was fascinated by these tales and dreamt of becoming an adventurer herself, dreaming of being seen a mighty warrior instead a blood thirsty monster. One day word would reach her of a group known as the Executioners, a group of heroes hired by the king to find the source of the Second Naga crisis, Hero's who had valiantly slew many of the monstrous Bone Nagas and destroyed many Lizardfolk Marauder camps to bring order back to the Kingdom, 2 members even being part of a group who had killed a group of Necromancers who had snaked there way into power in her absence. She instantly became infatuated with this group and would gather as much info on them as she could in her free time, much to Jerimiah's dismay. One day word reached her that the Executioners were coming to a her hall to attend a ball she was holding (unknown to her they were investigating nobles for treachery to the crown and her name was placed on a list of possible defectors). she became overwhelmed with joy and began preparing to meet herself to meet them, so distracted she hadn't even noticed the strange behavior of Jerimiah (who had been replaced with a doppelganger), the cause of the sultans suspicion towards her. Upon meeting the Executioners her fascination would only increase, after a fight would break out during the ball with a group of doppelgangers who had infiltrated her home. this faithful meeting would blossom a romance between her and the paladin of the group, Othello Ventallor, who would find himself infatuated with the young Drow and the 2 would pursue a relationship. Now apart of the group she idolized she has began writing a book of there journeys and is a valued member of the team.




extensive schooling in the ways Nobility and even more in the art of the sword


Noble and advisor to Sultan Devon

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defense of Ricklon against a great Imperial siege member of Weltako's most elite task force: executioners

Morality & Philosophy

Monica is of innocent mind but is still a Drow and finds it easier to separate the lives of friends from those of her enemy's, and has a sadistic streak not known to most people including her friends. Commonly though she kind hearted and caring for her people
Date of Birth
16th of Jefdor 1543
dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lb
Known Languages
common, under-common, elvish, and infernal

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