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BSG | Event 0051 - The Path to Victory

General Summary

Spymaster Ismay:

Your Majesty, you have some big boots to fill. And with your father out of the picture, the Nobles will be looking for any opportunity to replace you.


When you die, how do you hope the Kingdom will remember you?

  King Calimaco II Bladesong:
As a conqueror.
  Spymaster Ismay:

A warrior-King is sure to be remembered fondly... if he wins more battles than he loses..


I suggest, over the next few years, you focus on improving the Kingdom's overall Military as much as possible.


Once you have an Heir, I will return to discuss how your Ambition is progressing. Good luck, Your Majesty.

Report Date
12 Jun 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets