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Old Random Trait Generator

This is a basic generator to randomize 3 character traits, to inspire a user on the possible motives/mindset of their Noble throughout the King of the Castle game.
Below you'll find a list of the available traits & their definitions.
Trait Definition
Arbitrary Existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will
Arrogant Exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner
Brave Having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage
Callous Feeling or showing no sympathy for others
Calm A state of tranquility
Chaste Innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse
Compassionate Having or showing compassion
Content Limit (oneself) in requirements, desires, or actions
Craven Lacking the least bit of courage : contemptibly fainthearted
Cruel Taking pleasure in the infliction of pain, punishment, or humiliation on others
Cynical Contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives
Deceitful Having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions
Diligent Characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort
Disloyal Showing an absence of allegiance, devotion, obligation, faith, or support
Eccentric Eeviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways
Fickle Marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability : given to erratic changeableness
Forgiving Willing or able to forgive
Generous Liberal in giving
Gluttonous Marked by or given to gluttony
Greedy Marked by greed : having or showing a selfish desire for wealth and possessions
Gregarious Marked by or indicating a liking for companionship
Honest Free from fraud or deception
Humble Not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
Impatient Not patient : restless or short of temper especially under irritation, delay, or opposition
Just Conforming to a standard of correctness
Lazy Disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous
Loyal Faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or person
Lustful Excited by lust
Paranoid Extremely fearful
Patient Manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
Shy Disposed to avoid a person or thing
Stubborn Unreasonably or perversely unyielding
Temperate Moderate in indulgence of appetite or desire
Trusting Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
Vengeful Seeking to avenge
Wrathful Arising from, marked by, or indicative of wrath
Zealous Marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal : filled with or characterized by zeal
ERROR WILD CARD! It's an Easter Egg

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets